(no subject)

Mar 11, 2004 17:02

hey, school sucked today soi decided to stay silent, and once again im still single and waiting for that girl and she knows who she is. Um Yea. im bored so heres this thing i got from Joe.

[my name is]: Ryan (oh shit)
[in the morning i am]: annoyed cus im awake
[i dream about]: i dont have dreams
[what do you notice first about opposite sex?]: eyes
[last person u slow danced with]: um yea
[who is easiest to talk to]: a few people

[fallen for your best friend]: yes

[you talked to on the phone]: my sis
[hugged]: um i think erica
[you instant messaged]: Joe
you laughed with]: um yea Jon
[could you live without the computer?]: i dont know
[what's your favorite food?]: steak
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: apple
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional(cus i am emo)
[trust others way too easily?]: no

[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: a few
[of hearts i have broken?] : no idea
[of girls i have kissed?] um yea
[of tight friends?] : 6
[of cd's that i own?] : cant count that high
[of scars on my body?] : i think like 20+(im accident prone)
[of things in my past that i regret?] : um yea way too many

[i know]: that im gunna die alone
[i want]: to play guitar for ever
[i have]: good friends
[i hate]: when people talk shit on other prople then denie it
[i fear]: drowning and suffacating
[i hear]: music
[i search]: a good band and good friends
[i love]: um yea
[i ache]: in my knee
[i care]: about my friends
[i always]: am tired
[i dance]: like shit compaired to joe
[i cry]: cus im emo
[i do not always]: make sense
[i write]: music
[i confuse]: everyone
[i can usually be found]: with my friends
[i need]: a good bitch and a good book
[wuss]: um yea
[druggie]: um yea trying to fix that
[gang member]: oh yea T.S.O.N. 4 life hahahaha
[daydreamer]: always
[alcoholic]: im irish isnt it the same?
[sarcastic]: yea
[goody-goody]: ha
[angel]: oh yea im saint patrick
[devil]: um yea
[friend]: i need them
[shy]: not really
[talkative]: only on good days
[adventurous]: yea
[intelligent]: yea

[impacted you the most spiritually]: um yea i guess ben
[wish you saw more often]: joe ben colton brandon bruce jon cody
[wish you could meet]: Tom Delonge
[wish you knew better]: um yea
[person who knows you the best]: i think joe
[best outlook on life]: Ben
[most paranoid]: jon
[sweetest]: ben
[your best feature]: um none
[your biggest flaw]: every damn thing
[biggest mistake you've made this far]: being born
[describe your personality in one word]: different
[height]: 5'7"ish
[a smell that makes you smile]: um yea
[a city you'd like to visit]: Dublin
[a drink you order most often]: coke
[a delicious dessert]: pumpkin pie
[a book you highly recommend]: outsiders
[the music you prefer while alone]: screamo
[your favorite band]: either finch or thrice
[a film you could watch over and over]: Rush Hour 2
[a TV show you watch regularly]: simpsons
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: um yea
[something important on your night table]: probably my lasses so i can see
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