Aug 02, 2004 18:27
i really hate when my mother says i can go somewhere then one im about to go she decides to tell me i cant take the car because sometings wrong with it! AHHH~ it makes me SO angry! and i REALLY wanted to see michael tonight but NOOO i cant take the car to see him and NOW hes going to billys house which means iM NOT going to see him BECAUSE itll be TO late for him to STOP by. and i CANT go with him becuase i have SCHOOL 2mrwo and this just SUCKS! GOSH! so i WAS having a good day because katy came and picked me up and we went to lunch and beckie came and kevin met us there and then michael met me there but i didnt really get to spend lots of time cuz our school is gay and gives us NO time to have lunch! but anyways as my headache gets even WORSE and now my moms being GAY again and tellin me to get off and go clean my room . AHH i wish i was HOME ALONE!
but i have to go!