video post :: the wrath of the uchiha.

Dec 14, 2008 01:35

[[ooc: Technically backdated to Saturday... Kakashi-mun was tardy due to a shopping trip and computer troubles. So pretend this was done Saturday sometime during the day?]]

[The PCD turns on upside down on the floor.  Someone picks it up, and the picture moves to take in the living-room of the HYUUGA HOUSEHOLD ((yes, I went there)) and a loudly squabbling Obito and Itachi, who, by the looks of things, are rather stuck to each other.  Kakashi's slightly younger voice is close to the PCD--he's holding it, and then sets it on the table.]

"Hey!  HEY!  What is your problem this time?"

[Obito stops mid-rant as though just realizing Kakashi was there, and glowers]

"Itachi's being an insufferable jerk-- as usual."

[Itachi looks unusually angry; visibly pissed, actually]

"You are being annoying, Obito. I merely had a simple request."

[Obito scoffs]

"It's not what you said, asshole, it's how you said it. Ever hear of asking nicely?" [He pauses and his eyes narrow] "But then, I suppose someone like you wouldn't have."

"Someone like me? And what would that be?"

"I meant-"

[Kakashi gives Obito a warning look, then addresses Itachi in a dangerous tone.]

"Itachi, I thought you knew better than to pick on kids.  You have a problem with him, take it up with me."

[A haughty glance is given in Kakashi's direction]

"And you aren't a child at the moment, Kakashi-san?"

[Obito snarls, looking back at Itachi]

"Leave him alone, Itachi, or I'll kick your ass again."

"Again? Do tell, when do you imagine you have ever had remotely close to enough skill to touch me?"

"Ha! I happen to remember your ass on the floor this morning!"

"Oh yes, when you were flailing and panicking so hard? I remember it too. Quite a convincing display of shinobi prowess and bravery."

"Like you were doing any better! But if you want, I can kick your ass again to prove it to you."

[There's a brief expression that passes across Itachi's face and it's positively frightening--a mix between rage and anticipation]

"Presume one more time, Obito, and I will allow you to attempt it."

"Obito, don't you dare...  He just wants you to give him an excuse."

[Obito’s eyes darken and his body tenses at Itachi’s murderous look; ready to spring at a false move. As soon as the last venomous word leaves Itachi’s lips, he tackles him with his arm drawn back and ready to strike; completely ignoring Kakashi’s warning.]

“I don’t need your fucking permission!”

[Kakashi jumps forward and grabs Obito around the middle, pulling him back a little, but finding the similarity in size, Obito's flailing, and the redirected momentum to be a bit of a hindrance.]

"Obito, no!"

[Itachi tenses, bracing himself as a joint jumble of thirteen-year-olds knocks into him. He looks pissed but... he doesn't strangle either of them. Despite the way he very obviously wants to. Instead he raises his arm and slaps them both, quickly, stepping as far away as being "stuck" to Obito allows him.]

"Don't you presume to touch me, filth. Kakashi, keep him on a leash before I maim him. I won't waste my time on you as you are now. You aren't even worth killing. Either of you."

[Obito howls, clearly enraged, and struggles hard against Kakashi]

“FILTH!? You had NO RIGHT-Kashi let me the fuck go, dammit! I’ll kill him! --NONE-to hurt Kakashi like that. How dare you!? I'm a hundred times the Uchiha....that you'll EVER be!”

[Itachi's cheek actually twitches, and his lips pull back from his teeth in a sneer of contempt, his eyes just... slightly crazed with anger. He leans forward and his voice is low and soft as velvet.]

"Obito." [It's barely a whisper] "All I need to destroy your mind and Kakashi's right now, is just a little. Tiny. Push. I have never been a patient man, and I am not inclined to leniency at the moment. And you are testing me. At this rate I am going to believe you wish very badly to join your parents in death." [His voice is almost friendly] "If that is your wish, dear cousin, I will oblige you."

[One of the boy's feet knocks against the table and the PCD falls off the side.  The feed dies ominously on Itachi's promise.]

- itachi, event: encore : growing up and down, - obito, event: encore : seven deadly sins

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