[voice post] :: neji, please give lee something to really be thankful for.

Nov 22, 2008 16:31

[ Private to Neji // Pretty Darn Highly Unhackable, just because ]Oh, I'm sure you remember, Neji, but just in case you're busy and happened to forget, a friendly reminder ( Read more... )

^ birthday, = reminder, - neji, = voice post, - rock lee

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Private to Kakashi--Semi-hackable (Sexy icon has little releveance, but is very sexy) heavenly_earth November 23 2008, 08:57:12 UTC
Well, he would have curry as my stomach just can't handle it, and I never said that I would forbid you from leaving; I just said I would not want to forcibly kick everyone out. I wouldn't-!!! You're ridiculous, sensei.

......Sometimes I feel as though I don't treat Lee well enough or do things for him that a...'normal couple' would do together. As for specific candles- yes, green would be nice, though unscented if you could manage it, thank you. .....I'd truly hope they were normal candles, sensei- not something out of one of your novels.

As for gifts, I've been trying to talk Lee into letting me restyle his hair for him. He's refused thus far, but does insist on having me trim it when it starts to get long... Personally, though, he'd like most any spicy food you could think of and I he will need a new goldfish.

Myself- running water, working electricity and heat- though Obito-kun has assured me he is working on fixing the fireplace in the living room already. Our room has a concrete floor as well- we could use some rugs.

What should I think about for you and Obito-kun?


Private to Neji--Semi-hackable *noms on sexy icon* turn_a_blindeye November 23 2008, 09:16:23 UTC
Yeah...I take it he eats curry like Gai does then.
You wouldn't be forcing us into doing anything. I'll just...suggest an outing. I'm sure they'd go for it, especially if snack food is part of the deal.
Hm...even you might, if the mood was right. And it sounds to me like you're setting up the right mood...

...I see. Well, you two enjoy your evening together and make the most of it. If you decide you need more time together, I suppose I can keep the kids occupied one or two nights every once in a while. You don't have to be so bashful, either, Neji. Hold hands more often. Kiss him. We're not complaining. It's actually nice to see. But I think Lee understands you're busy.

*chuckles* Normal candles. I think you'll have your choice of beeswax and soy, even. Fancy.

Hm. We'll see what we can do about goldfish in this weather. I'll leave tricky things like hairstyles in your capable hands.

Rugs. Right. I'll make sure they're comfy, too. Just in case.

For Obito...hm. What do thirteen-year-olds even like? Given the weather, maybe a scarf could be appropriate. He could use more clothes in general, despite what we got him. If it gets cold enough, he might find a use for ice-skates, but anything fun would be good.

As for me...more porn is always suitable.


Private to Kakashi--Semi-hackable heavenly_earth November 23 2008, 09:29:43 UTC
He does.
Well, Kakashi-sensei, you make a marvelous babysitter, then. Enjoy your outing with the kids.
I happen to possess self-control, sensei. I will not allow things to get out of hand.

That's entirely generous of you- it nearly makes me suspicious, but I accept, nonetheless, and I may ask it of you sometime. It's not that I don't want to- I just...hold back and I'm not sure why. For Lee, perhaps I will try harder.

Soy is more than fine.

Yes- well- it was a suggestion. You're better off asking Lee what he would like rather than myself.

Obito-kun is also a shinobi, though he is one of the few that acts his age. Perhaps, with the lake steadily freezing over, I will locate a pair of skates to fit him. I will just have to find a reason to ask his shoe size- unless you know or can tell?

I'm not going out and getting you more pornographic novels, sensei- someone may think they're mine. Anything else at all that would be more appropriate? Though if you have your heart set on it, we'll see if I can manage it. You are being kind enough to watch the kids on occasion.


Private to Neji--Semi-hackable turn_a_blindeye November 23 2008, 09:41:55 UTC
Oh. Lovely.
Hardly. I'm actually surprised you're trusting me with them. But we'll have fun.
If you say so. Though letting go of self-control once in a while could do you some good.

Hm. Good. ...You hold back too long and you'll be holding back for the rest of your life.

Maybe I'll do that.

He doesn't have to act like a shinobi all the time, though, especially not while we're here. I can check his shoes and get back to you, how's that?

Porn's about all you can get me. Besides, if they see you with it, someone might think you've actually lightened up a little. Would be good for you.
And it's my pleasure.


Private to Kakashi--Semi-hackable heavenly_earth November 23 2008, 09:51:27 UTC
You did such a wonderful job with managing the house while I was blind, sensei- I think you're more than trustworthy. Obito-kun loves you anyway, and Yachiru-chan's innocent enough. Naruto is your student, so I'm sure you'll manage him well. Id' only be worried if you were taking Lee with you.

Are you speaking from a purely philosophical view or from experience?

It doesn't mean we should neglect our training, however. Yes, thank you, that would be useful.

I see. Perhaps I will, and is that an insult? No- you'd call it a suggestion. Maybe I'll have such a chance from now on.


Re: Private to Neji--Semi-hackable turn_a_blindeye November 23 2008, 10:00:49 UTC
I suppose I'm handy enough once in a while.
Afraid of what I might say to adorable little Lee? I'm sure he has plenty of ideas on his own, and somehow I doubt he's as shy about these things as you are (just naive).

Which version of the advice would you be more inclined to trust and follow?

We won't. But he's allowed fun too.

Good. It's a good suggestion, too.


Private to Kakashi--Semi-hackable heavenly_earth November 23 2008, 10:06:03 UTC
Knowing Lee, he'd probably have an insatiable curiosity. And knowing you, you'd be prone to using that against me by saying just enough to appear as though you answered whatever question he may have had, while still sending him back to me for further details. Then I'd know who to look for.

Dodging the original question, sensei- or are you really asking my opinion?

I never said he wasn't. He has determination of his own as well though.


Private to Nejii--Semi-hackable turn_a_blindeye November 23 2008, 10:11:23 UTC
What's to say I wouldn't answer every one of his questions in graphic detail? Someone has to make up for his lack of education in that department, and if I send him back to you, you'll just blush and shush him.

Sometimes you're too smart for your own good, Neji. Both.

Of course, of course. ...I know that all too well.


Private to Kakashi--Semi-hackable heavenly_earth November 23 2008, 10:14:56 UTC
And then he'd come tell me all about it. That's lovely and just like you, sensei. I am again glad he is not going with you.

I'll take that as one of your odd compliments. In the matter of opinion, old wives generally know what they're talking about, but hearing of someone's experience is more solid and believable.

I'm sorry- I'm sure you do.


Private to Nejii--Semi-hackable turn_a_blindeye November 23 2008, 10:23:37 UTC
Instead he's staying with you. Where he'll hopefully be much happier with some hands-on education.

Then it's from experience.
Don't waste your time holding back or running from things. You'll get nowhere and be dissatisfied with it, and if you ever do decide to change...well, it's considerably harder to teach an old dog new tricks. So start early. This seems like as good a time (and place) as any, and I think you'd agree that Lee's worth it.


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