[accidental video post] :: with memories like shattered glass, I'm bleeding to pick up the pieces.

Sep 21, 2008 20:50

[[ooc: I may be overplaying my hand here with this scene.*shrugs.* Kakashi only gets one voice from the past scene from me, and he hasn’t had a journal entry in a while, so I had to make it a whopper. Regardless, for those unfamiliar with the story of Naruto and/or Kakashi-Gaiden (back-story), this may be a mess. For those familiar, I hope this achieves its desired effect and is not nearly as clumsy as it sometimes felt when writing it.]]

[The view through the video feed of the PCD is as if down a darkened corridor with a bright light at the end, Kakashi’s form obscuring part of this, and it backlights his hair in an odd silhouette. Judging by the skewed perspective on Kakashi’s hand-seen reaching toward the camera-and on his face (which is looking faintly miffed down the “corridor” at the PCD), the device has fallen behind something and Kakashi has been thus far unsuccessful in his lackluster attempts to fish it out. Considering he hasn’t been trying hard to retrieve the device, one might guess the audio memories haven’t been playing long. Kakashi sighs and rests his forehead on the wall.]

[Against the backdrop of Kakashi’s frustration is the haunting echo of a baby crying. It sounds pained and lonely, crying out for a mother or father who is not there to hold it. Such a pitiful sound, relentless, as most babies’ cries, but this one sounds especially tortured…as if the soul is facing demons within.]

[The crying continues.]

[If one is familiar enough with Kakashi’s behavior, they might notice something is off. His focus isn’t on the PCD anymore, though his figure still looms over it. His visible eye is closed.]

[The baby crying becomes subdued, but does not disappear, and fades almost perfectly into the background with the next scene. The voice is male, though the words, not the speaker, are what are relevant.]

“The Hokage is dead. Orochimaru killed him.”

[When he speaks, Sandaime Hokage sounds weary. The baby’s wails are just a bit louder, and slightly muffled, as though coming from the other side of a wall or door.]

“They named him Naruto. Minato wanted the village to know the child as a hero.”

[Kakashi’s reply is equally tired and sad, almost bitter.]

“…A hero, hm…”

[The next voice is small, unsure, and extremely young, but if you listen close, you might hear it is still Kakashi.]

“…Father? Father…oh, god…!” [hurried footsteps]

[The end of little Kakashi’s fearful words overlap with the blunt announcement made by a female voice.]

“The Yondaime-Hokage is dead.” [The sound of a door slamming.]

[Opening his eye, Kakashi takes a deep, slow breath and pushes away from the wall, backing up and out of the limited view of the PCD stuck between whatever it is between. He leaves our view just as his younger self is broadcast speaking the following line in a serious, unyieldingly firm voice.]

“Emotions are unnecessary things.”

[The teenage version of his voice is answered by another teenage voice, a boy with determined tones reminiscent of Naruto, but who is clearly not our favorite yellow-haired, ramen-eating ninja.]

“Those who break the rules and regulations are called trash, but those that don’t care about their companions are worse than trash.”

[A girl’s voice, emotional, tearful, pained in her own quiet way.]

“Please, Kakashi. We all miss him. You already treat Gai-kun like he’s a foreigner, but do you have to excommunicate me too? You can talk to me…We’re still a team.”

[A man of almost thirty, his voice bright, but commanding.]

“The most important thing to a shinobi is teamwork!”

[The hollow tinkle of a pair of jingle-bells.]

[Sounding oddly reserved and solemn is the voice of Lee and Neji’s Gai-sensei.]

[A slow, deep breath] “…And I’ve decided-I have promised that if he dies, Kakashi…I will die with him.”

[The silence is palpable. The baby has stopped crying. Even the real Kakashi, not visible but still in the room, cannot be heard as teenage Kakashi’s voice breaks into the silence. He snorts and sounds disgusted.]

“Heh, crybaby.”

[The bells sound as if they have hit the floor.]

[Two different voices, both male.]

“Don’t tell us it was a gift, boy. Did you kill your teammate for that eye?”

“For whatever twisted reason, he left only his brother alive.”

[The gentle tinkle of a pair of jingle-bells.]

[Naruto’s voice, firm and adamant. This is the only scene not before Adstringendum. It occurs in a log I am very behind on between Naruto and Kakashi about a week ago, I think.]

“But if I have to die to bring Sasuke back……………………………..then I’ll die.”

[The following are in Kakashi’s voice. The first is his present timbre, sounding remorseful, pained, and quiet; the latter his teenage voice once more, now determined.]

“…Was your fate inevitably death?

“…I’ll protect you even if I die…”

[The bells jingle again, and Naruto laughs merrily.]

[Silence again, broken by a few breaths, then, slowly and indecisively, sounds of someone moving.]

[After a very long moment, Kakashi reappears at the top of the gap between the wall and the shelf, looking haggard but about as collected as usual. He mutters to himself and then drops the orange book he always carries down the gap to land on the PCD and turn off the feed. It shuts off following his offhand comment.]

Should have done that sooner.

[[ooc: Kakashi might be delayed in his replies while he works on pulling his head together and getting the PCD out from between a rock and a hard place.

The girl is Rin, the bright commander is Minato/Yondaime (Kakashi's sensei), and Obito is obviously saying the thing about caring for your companions, just in case anyone didn’t know. A few of the lines come directly from one of the translations of the Naruto manga, particularly the Kakashi Gaiden chapters.]]

- itachi, = accidental post, - oliver, - obito, - rock lee, - sasuke, - rin, - sakumo, - naruto, = video post, - sandaime, - minato, - gai, event: voices from the past

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