voice post :: parseltongue, or...speaking of snakes...

Oct 20, 2009 23:26

[Private to Hyuuga Households 1 & 2; filtered from Anko | Unhackable]Mm... four days...well, that's cutting it a little close ( Read more... )

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[Private//Unhackable] Yes, I fail at hiatus today. :P heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 06:39:03 UTC
Really? I volunteer. As long as it doesn't involve books.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 06:50:55 UTC
No books, unless you care to do research.

Hm...well, you should maybe have a team or partner, but I'll go ahead and explain the mission. I might only be able to spare one of you anyway without raising suspicion.

So, the mission.

...I need you to find a snake. Something useful, not too deadly, but alive, healthy, and of a size that is capable of being kept indoors. Preferably something incapable of eating a small dog, but if you can find it a cage, I can keep it from eating anything of value, I think.

The snake will also need a basic starter set: a cage or terrarium to sleep in, something to keep it warm (we don't have electricity, but maybe she can make do with candles) and some food.

I think that about covers it.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 06:55:47 UTC
I'll see if I can grab Neji while I'm out. I don't know if he's busy with anything, but it would only be natural for us to be out together.

A snake. That makes sense. Snakes eat mice? There are plenty of those around, though I'm not sure how to catch them live. Do dead mice work?

I'll hit the library too, see if I can figure out a good type. I've seen a few around, but I'm not up-to-speed on what's what.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:00:24 UTC
Sasuke might be volunteering. I'll...see if maybe I can figure out an excuse for all of you. Or...you know...you can always find something, I'm sure. Training, maybe.

Dead mice might work. Or spiders, depending on the snake. ...She'd know more about it too, but I can't ask her.

Nor am I. Good luck with it.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:02:51 UTC
I'm one of the best when it comes to targets and aiming. I'm sure I can give him pointers if we need an excuse.

I'll try to figure out if dead mice work. Aren't spiders a bit small? I think we would need more spiders than mice - it would be best to just get mice I think.

This should be easy.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:05:57 UTC
Just keep him away from Akatsuki and windows.

I suppose it depends on the size of the snake, and the size of its mouth.

That's what all the genin think on their first mission catching a cat or something.

Good luck.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:08:44 UTC
Right. I don't care to deal with the Akatsuki.

You know snakes can unhinge their jaws to swallow things that are bigger than their mouths? As long as I find mice and not rats it should be fine. But I'll check.

Ugh. Those type of missions were the most boring ever. All of us were so fast they were over in seconds and then we had to sit around all day in case there was something else.



[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:12:40 UTC

They can, I just don't know that all of them eat mice. But...you'll figure it out.

There won't be anything else after this one. As soon as this one is done, you can take a break and do whatever you want.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:15:02 UTC
Don't they? I guess that's what research is for.

Nice. You should come up with missions more often.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:17:22 UTC

There's very little I need you kids to do. But...if I have a need for things again, I'll...post more missions, since you like them so much, Tenten.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:18:15 UTC
It's simple and it breaks things up. Though I'd like to point out I'm not one of the kids anymore, Kakashi.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:20:46 UTC
You're one of Gai's kids, so I'll continue to seat you and Neji at the kids table with Sakura and Naruto for a while longer. I ...think your sensei would approve of that. Youthfulness and all.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:23:55 UTC
Neji and I are the ones that set the tables and fill them.

...Gai-sensei would still seat himself at the kids table. And you too. And then object, loudly, if you tried to sit at the adult table.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:34:29 UTC
Alright, you and Neji can sit at the adult table, with all the kids, and Gai, Anko and I will share the exclusive reservations-only kids table.


[Private//Unhackable] heavenlykunai October 21 2009, 07:38:28 UTC
That's not fixing it at all. That's just renaming the tables, but not redifining them.


[Private//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye October 21 2009, 07:41:55 UTC
Picky picky.

Form your own club, then?


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