accidental video post :: same old story, not much to say...

Oct 07, 2009 21:24

[The lake. Kakashi stands on the edge of the water, looking out over a clear, moonlit, still surface of water. He weighs something in the palm of his hand, looks at it, and then chucks it out over the water. The rock skips a few times before plopping under the surface. He lets the surface still, as if waiting for something ( Read more... )

pathetic love song lyrics is pathetic, i'm doing fine, = accidental post, i go about my business, ...mine is just one of many disappeared, ref: (song) you were meant for me, = offline/quicklog, = video post, throwing in the towel (no more towel?), - gai

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Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 04:50:40 UTC
[He watches, unwilling to interrupt Kakashi's relative peace and responds later]

...Enjoy, sensei.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 04:57:17 UTC
...I ran out of good rocks...

But ...thanks, Neji.


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 04:58:27 UTC
I'm sure both yourself and Maes-san could use it, but try not to come home worse off, hm?


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:05:49 UTC
Maes is quite a gentleman, don't worry.

...or do you doubt his intentions for me?


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:09:12 UTC
I never said anything of the sort, sensei. Maes-san is...respectable.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:16:00 UTC
Mm hm...very respectable. He's going to help me get wasted.

But he'll be kind enough to walk me home after, I'm sure.


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:20:14 UTC
...Are you sure you'll be alright to make anything tomorrow morning?


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:24:57 UTC

I lost my rival, not my mind.


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:27:19 UTC
I wasn't worried about that specifically in regards to breakfast; moreover your alcohol consumption and any possible side-effects come morning.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:31:03 UTC
Ah, well...I can cook even through a hangover...
So long as cake-baking isn't involved.

Or maybe I'll just invite Maes to stay over for the night and he can serve breakfast...


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:34:24 UTC
[He's not really reassured.]

...I'll see about waking up early or preparing something simple for you to throw together then.

As for Maes-san, if he'd like to I wouldn't mind if he stayed.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:37:19 UTC
[Firmly] Go train with Tenten. We'll be fine, Neji.


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:39:13 UTC
...Yes, sensei.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:52:00 UTC
It's times like these that you should stick close to your teammate.


Private to Kakashi heavenly_earth October 8 2009, 05:52:40 UTC
I didn't plan on leaving her, sensei.


Private to Neji turn_a_blindeye October 8 2009, 05:58:50 UTC one does.


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