accidental video post :: we'll stay away from crowds with signs that say no dogs allowed

Sep 16, 2009 22:52

[Sitting on the bed, Kakashi's fussily fitting his new puppy (a pug) with a fashionable little blue vest with a henohenomoheji on it. Murmuring to himself, unaware the camera on his PCD is on. He's proudly wearing the bell-necklace that Naruto got for the team.]

There. One arm in. Then the other one.

[The pug yips and wiggles backwards to try and worm her way out of the vest. She scratches at her ear a little, as though trying to force it off. Kakashi sighs and picks her up in one hand. Obito's cat, Snowball, watches suspiciously, and maybe a tad jealously, from the pillows at the head of the bed.]

But it looks good on you. ...Oh fine.

[He notices the PCD now and picks it up, showing off the pug. She smiles, open mouth, tongue out, a pleased little thing. Kakashi doesn't sound any more enthused than usual. He's happy, though.]

Uh, hey. Adstringendum, meet Shiori. Thank you, Hokage-sama, for the birthday present. [Said present begins to lick the screen. Kakashi doesn't pull her away, so have a camera full of doggie slobber and close up of doggie tongue.]

Maes, it's a shame we didn't get a recording of your song, but give my compliments to the chef. The cake was delicious. And Jiraiya-sama, I'll swing by and pick up the illustrations tomorrow. Thanks.

[Private to Riza/Unhackable]
Riza...I know she's no Hayate, but if you'd, I don't know, like to come visit her...or something, or take her for a walk...she's very friendly...

[Private to Household/Unhackable]
[[ooc: I know Anne's on hiatus, but I didn't feel right not mentioning Anko...I dunno. Pretend something? You can tell him she's still out of it. She is until Anne comes back.]]

Is Anko still out? Or is she doing any better yet?

what a pretty girl, ^ birthday, - riza, = accidental post, (shiori), - obito, dressing up my doggie, - sasuke, - tsunade, - roy, = video post, ref: (song) the puppy song, - tenten, kakashi and the girls

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