voice post :: sorry for the trouble I caused. I hope I didn't worry you.

Aug 16, 2009 23:56

[Sometime after the Konoha Rescue Kakashi Attempt both succeeds and fails at the same time. A few hours after Anko's post. It is unfiltered due to his tiredness.

Silence. A burst of unintelligible static. White noise. Nothing of note. It drones for a second, two, three...fading in and out...

.......Then the sounds of Adstring filter in. Chirps of crickets that may or may not be friendly. The distant cry of a native beastie. The hum of wind across the speaker...

The shifting of dirt as someone tries unsuccessfully to sit up.

There's a slight groan. The voice is strained, barely there, as if it is taking a lot out of him just to speak this little bit, but there is a definite effort towards the pretense of being in good health. The tone, boredom, is almost forced.]


Sorry I'm...late. I saw a chicken crossing the road and had to stop and to ask her why.

[There's a long pause. A tired sigh. Just enough time that perhaps worry has crept in, worry that, given the lateness of his post, no one will hear him. Still, if there is worry, it is masked by a dry sense of humor, as always.]

Anyone have a nightlight? It's a little dark out here.

plz to be getting a ride home nao?, revived, no more puppet shows

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