text post :: a point of business and a teal deer.

May 06, 2009 22:06

[PRIVATE TO Konoha Ninja and Suna Ninja // UNHACKABLE]

Kindly remember to use discretion in what you inform others of. We are ninja, after all. If you're spying, please don't talk about it on public filters--use a private, unhackable setup. If you need help with that setup, ask.

[PRIVATE TO Hughes, Minato, and anyone on the "Minato Community Read more... )

- anko, - itachi, - neji, - lelouch, = minato community squad, tl;dr, - alphonse, = no bad-guys allowed, event: bodyswap, = text post, using the info itachi gave me, - minato, - maes, al uses mindfuck! it's super-effective!

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[Same Filter] bloodseal_soul May 7 2009, 07:49:38 UTC

Madara doesn't seem quite insane to me. Evil, yes, twisted, yes, but not insane. He has his quirks and oddities, though. Itachi calls him "sensei" and I know something of deep-seated grudges between old clans that only he remembers. Madara's impossibly old. I don't know just how old, but at least over a hundred years. At the very least he'll seek to use Sasuke like he's using Itachi. We can't let that happen.

Pain, despite not being... quite as powerful, though I can only guess, actually scares me more than Madara.

Because... he's a madman. He believes himself to be a God of Peace. And worse, he believes himself to be good, and in the right. He's twisted and dangerous and if I didn't know better I'd consider it an elaborate ploy. But he's all the more dangerous because he doesn't believe he's evil. He truly believes he's good, and that he'll deliver people into true peace and justice through "giving them pain".

He says that people have to lose everything, to "understand".

However, to be able to lead individuals like the Akatsuki, his madness might be a strength rather than a hindrance. He's powerful enough to command Itachi and the others, and smart enough to do so. He's probably got a hundred tricks none of us know about.

I could be wrong about any of this, though. This is just my observation.


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[Same Filter] bloodseal_soul May 7 2009, 08:21:43 UTC

Unfortunately I have no idea. I have no true concept of Ms. Unohana's powers, and even then, Itachi is nearly godlike in comparison to my own abilities, and I believe Ms. Unohana could best him. Madara, though... Madara is quite literally Itachi's teacher. He has been since Itachi was a young boy. It stands to reason that Madara's much, much more powerful than he is.

It might be that his hold is weakening on this place, but I think he might be waiting for a proper moment. Arrogance tends to go hand in hand with madness, but arrogance won't make anyone a true leader, especially of a volatile band of misfits like the Akatsuki. Prudence and cunning will.

It's likely he's watching the network and has some sort of spy system. Aside from that, Ms. Konan is loyal to Pain and she hasn't revealed any sort of indication of her abilities. I can tell Itachi is not adverse to her company, which may mean she's someone we should watch. She might be trapped inside some web we can't see, but it might be fatal, giving her the benefit of the doubt.


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[Same Filter] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 09:10:40 UTC
It would require conflict probably, yes. I'd have to see their techniques in action. Of those from my world, I can tell you how I compare to Itachi. And I can guess how I would compare to Pain. I'm neither the best nor the least skilled of the shinobi we have here, so it's perhaps a decent measurement.

Itachi I have fought in the past, and he left me in a coma for a short time. I am honestly probably no match for him at his full strength, but with a team I can trust, I could take him on if he is alone.

Pain I fight sometime in my future, and I apparently lose. Judging from what he as said, I would guess I put up a decent, lengthy fight, but again, alone I am not enough, and his techniques I am less aware of. It would take time and energy and risk during battle to discover them, never mind to figure out a way to beat them.

I have reason to doubt I could go toe-to-toe with Madara under any circumstances, or that Minato or even Jiraiya or Tsunade really could either, and they are some of the strongest we have. Perhaps Tsunade, Minato, and Gai, as our fastest, could together take him down, and Gai has the ability to fight a Sharingan user, but...it's not something I would gamble on.


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 09:23:49 UTC
You lose? Are you then dead as well?


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 09:50:29 UTC
It's something I suspect, yeah. I was informed by Pain himself that I was out of chakra, which is tantamount to death in my world.


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 8 2009, 01:44:44 UTC
I still don't know who killed me, but... everyone from my world except for Miss Elric is aware of my death.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 8 2009, 03:19:43 UTC
It's an interesting perspective, hm, knowing you're dead? Would you want to know who killed you?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 8 2009, 03:36:00 UTC
It is. I would like to know, if only to keep a more careful eye out here. I don't know how they got around my guard.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 8 2009, 03:49:53 UTC
Sometimes it's not even a matter of your guard. Sometimes you know what you're getting into, take a risk, and it just doesn't work to your advantage. There a many ways to die; hardly any of them are very straightforward, especially for one working in your field of expertise.


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 8 2009, 21:21:44 UTC
From what I know, I die within a few hours from when I was last in my world. I should have tried harder to contact someone before charging in, but clearly I underestimated the Fuhrer's secretary and her allies. I knew something was up because I knew... ah, it doesn't matter here. But I went in way too cocky since I knew more than anyone else.


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