voice post :: I get my kicks above the waistline, Sunshine.

May 03, 2009 01:00

[Ah, payback. Maybe. Or just fun at Gai's expense.]

Hey, Gai. Now that you're sober, maybe it's time we go for drinks again, see what other kinds of shows you can put on while drunk, hm? [chuckles a little]

[A pause. Then, slowly...]

By the way...how much of that night do you remember?

- anko, - itachi, - neji, screwing (around with) gai, event: bodyswap, ref: (song) one night in bangkok, i'm not as think as you drunk i am, = voice post, - gai

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[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 01:44:17 UTC
Hello, Mr. Kakashi. You're in the group Mr. Minato was working on putting together, so I'm trusting his judgement. There's a person who said anyone from their village could vouch for them, Mitarashi Anko. I don't know their gender thanks to the current event going on.

You're talking to them, so you do know them. If they are trustworthy, they should be more circumspect in their suspicions.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 02:13:56 UTC
Anko's female, and yes, she's fairly trustworthy. ...What has she done now, exactly?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 02:24:11 UTC
Thank you.

Spoken openly about using this as an opportunity to investigate the man whose body she has. It's a good idea. But blurting it out without any attempt to filter it isn't what I'd call tactical.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 02:29:08 UTC
Sure thing. Any other information you need at the moment?

...Great. I'll, uh, have a talk with her, then. I'd asked her to have a look in the lab while she could, but I figured she'd keep it to herself. I underestimated her mouth, I suppose. Thanks for informing me.

Any idea who she told it to? It's too late to filter it, but at least I can get an idea of who knows and what they know.


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 02:35:47 UTC
Nope! If you vouch for her, that's enough for me. Though I wouldn't object to hearing what she finds. He's the more quiet sort, but he's said a few things openly that caught my eye a while back.

You're welcome.

Me, actually. I've taken it to filter and asked her to be more circumspect, and told her I'd be asking to confirm that she'd be vouched for.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 02:44:06 UTC
Of course. I'll share her findings and some other information that I have as soon as I get it collected for you. Where there's a lab involved, it seems like a good idea to know what's in it.

Ah. Well, at least she told the right kind of person. Thanks. I think I may need to reiterate to all of them what it means to be a ninja, though...


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 03:26:26 UTC
Thank you. The Captain Hammer might have been slightly... there is no way to put it politely, is there? Arrogant and dense. But while his view of the world was focused on him, it was also aligned with the good of the city, more or less. And he spoke out against Dr. Horrible. And a name like that... good golly, what are we supposed to think?

You're welcome. What does it mean to be a ninja?


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 03:31:01 UTC
...Exactly. Although not all books can be judged by title alone.

Oh, in this case, I just meant in terms of secrecy. I think my fellow nin have been getting quite...chatty over the network. It's really no good if the enemy knows all your intentions, now, is it?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 03:51:38 UTC
Of course. Some can seem entirely harmless and yet hold valuable information.

It's not. But it wouldn't hurt to be friendly! Your world's group appears to be one of the largest here, and that can be very useful! Ties in the community, and all that. Some of them do a very good job of that.

So nin is the plural of ninja? Is everyone from your world a ninja?


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 04:24:58 UTC
Like a doting father? And a sweet blond alchemist?

Unfortunately, it also means we involve our allies here in the problems and alliances we've brought with us.

Not exactly. Just a shortening of it. Ninja are more of a military force than anything. Not everyone is a ninja. I suppose it's much like you have Alchemists?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 04:37:01 UTC
I can't say I know what you mean. She is perfection! I have new pictures, too!

Well, yes. But if they've caused problems back home, there's no reason to believe that they'll refrain from it here. Foreknowledge is an asset, and if the community trusts people that are aware of the danger, they're in safer hands.

That makes sense. Though more are in the military than are Alchemists.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 04:41:41 UTC
...Uh huh. I suppose you'd like to share them, too, huh?

True enough.

I see. So the Alchemists are a specialized branch, then?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] [Video] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 05:20:30 UTC
Yes! I thought you'd never ask! We had a tea party today, but she wanted to be in her jammies because they were cozy!

[Maes turns on the video aspect of the PCD and holds up some newly developed photos before nodding.]

I'm in the military myself, though I'm not an alchemist.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] [Video] turn_a_blindeye May 7 2009, 06:30:36 UTC
[Kakashi regards the photos with a genuine smile that crinkles up his eye.]
She's very cute. And I'd prefer to be in my jammies, too, if I were her.

[His smile fades slightly as he arches a brow.]

Oh, really... Combat? Or are you more of a "desk job" somewhere behind the scenes?

...I'd take it you know the Colonel Alphonse is currently occupying the body of?


[Private to Kakashi//Unhackable] [Video] brig_gen_maes May 7 2009, 08:11:11 UTC
She's the most precious bundle of adorableness ever. I don't have to fake being a doting father with someone this amazing to brag about!

[Maes studies Kakashi for a moment before answering.]

Intelligence. I find the information, solve the cases, and when I have to, attack from the shadows. I don't do much in the way of combat, since most is alchemy, but I'm not incapable.

Roy? Yes. Maybe more than he knows himself! He's been my best friend since our days in training, and he lives with me and Elysia.


[Private to Maes//Unhackable] [Video] turn_a_blindeye May 8 2009, 03:15:42 UTC
I'm sure you don't.

[His expression--what you can see of it--is his typical one, calm, fairly plain.]

Good to know. I'll be interested to know what you've gathered so far while you're here.

Would Roy be a good choice, then, to be part of Minato-sensei's committee? Alphonse didn't seem too sure he would be interested.


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