
Jun 05, 2007 23:12

for those who read my rant in my last post (which was friends only), my lab partner apologised.
It was a little bitter but I forgive her. Well I would if my proxy would let me reply to messages x.X

anyway, my day, as usual

3- we ate a lot of food and not very many people ate the chutney sandwiches. and we watched the video of ourselves. wow I was so immature back then...
brunch- passed out chutney sandwiches.
5- fist he gave us free time to sign yearbooks. actually, D and Alex sat at my table to talk to Hugh and they went flipping through my yearbook. D just kept pointing out all the Asian people and saying "oh, he's asian. she's asian." blahblahblah. And then he kept pointing out the same guy and calling him an "Asiam Pimp". Alex just laughed but Hugh and I were getting annoyed so we took the yearbook away from him and just read the quotes in the Senior section. But seriously, if it wasn't for Narf and other people being in the room, I woulda whapped him over the head with my yearbook. Instead I kicked him under the table. But seriously, he's so annoying. Last year he was in my math class and he did the same thing (constantly rambling on and on about his Asianness). I mean, that's not pride, that's just plain arrogance. Oh yeah, and he pointed to an Indian guy and said "hey, if he was wearing a wrap-thing he'd look like a terrorist!" A) it's a turban, not a "wrap-thing" and B) that's really racist and C) the guy was Indian. India is not gonna bomb us any time soon. xx.XX Geezus...
Okay so after that we watched Narf blow up stuff, took a couple pictures as a class, and watched the video made by a group of guys about what you'll miss this year.
I gave the remaining chutney sandwiches to Narf. I dunno, I guess I felt like being nice? >.<

I went home and practiced a little then fell asleep claiming to be studying Spanish. I thought I had piano today but I guess not. meh...

friends, life, rant

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