w00t! KITE!

Apr 08, 2007 21:16

So my day was pretty cool. This morning I slept, woke up, and slept some more. Then I woke up and had a sugar pastry thing and cheese pizza for brunch. Yumm. Of course then I had to look for my old childhood kite. It's one of those hangglider shaped ones with rainbow stipes.
Then we watched a little TV.

*commercial featuring Charles Barkley*
Brother: Dad, who's that?
Dad: Charles Barkley, the basketball player.
B: Isn't there a Gnarls Barkley?
D: No, Charles Barkey.
B: Yes, but isn't there a Gnarls Barkley?
D: No, there's a Charles Barkley.
B: Yes, but there's a Gnarls Barkley too. He sang "I make me craaaazy...".
(hahaah, he got the lyrics wrong too)

Mom went in a frenzy looking through all my math homework and correcting it and making me do each problem over again. Oh, and did I mention this was at like, five minutes before I had to leave? So of course I didn't finish it. Then when I got in the car to leave, dad started driving the wrong way. I told him this and he was like "I know, we need to get your cake." We were already late, and the bakery was gonna close in an hour, which is why he decided to choose that time to drag me down there. We ordered a chocolate cake with white chocolate mousse filling and chocolate ganache frosting and chocolate pieces on top. Yumm, times a gazillion. However, this year I'm not really having a birthday party, sad to say. The rents won't let me because they want me to spend more time studying. Ouch. Instead, we're having a small celebration with our family and my aunt and uncle and their six month old baby, Baby Rhia. And we're going to Cancun from Saturday to Saturday. :D
Anyway, we ordered the cake and turned right around and went to Shari's house for the kite flying. It took a while, but eventually Shari managed to gather her kite's tail so we could go. We kindasorta almost got lost on the way there (to Las Palmas). On the way there we just kinda talked and Shari kept trying to get her kite in the air as we walked while I was very amused by how I could use my kite like a yo-yo. :P Oh, and they got "Captain Planet" stuck in my head.
We finally got there and went over to a hill and left our stuff there, then all got our kites in the air. The wind was alright at first and I was the only one with a kite that would stay up. We traded kites every once in a while. The only kite I could fly was my own, Tae stuck with attempting her own kite, and all kites hate Shari. Shari is a kite killer. Then we decided my kite would be the 'guinea pig' since it was the only one that worked, and Shari and Cathy wanted to fly it. Shari held the kite and Cathy ran it... right into a tree (giving me a rope burn in the process). Shari decided to throw the spool over a branch, only getting it more tangled. After hours and hours (alright, 30 minutes or so) of throwing various object at the branches, climbing the tree, and generally looking like a group of fools, someone came up with the bright idea of detatching the string from the kite, reeling it in, and reattatching it. What a bunch on geniuses (genii?) we are. :P
After that, my kite was traumatized. It stayed far away from the tree and didn't go very high for a while. Cathy's kite did go really high, however (to the end of its string!). She kept asking what would happen if she let go of it. She tried it once and chased after it. Shari tried it and it got caught in the tree, but was still flying. This time it didn't take too long to get it out. Then I managed to get my kite up so high and far, if it had landed it would have been across the street. It kept fake dive-bombing, so I reeled it in more. Then I decided to see what happens if I let it go, but it dive-bombed, so I had to pick it up. Cathy flew my kite and couldn't manage it. Oh, and all this time Tae was flying her own kite. It constantly dive-bombed, and we called it the Kamakazie Kite. :P I flew Shari's kite and actually got it to the end of its string. Cathy then took hold of Shari's kite and wondered what would happen if she let go. She did let go, but the wind was too strong.
It carried the kite across the little street that led to the parking lot and the spool got stuck in a tree. The kite flew over the power lines and over a house's roof and flopped there. We at first stood there and laughed, then we ran to help. We went to see where the kite had fallen to see if we could tug the spool free, but the tree had a firm grip. There was a doggie named Bing, who was really sweet, and we talked to him for a while (lol). We tried to climb the tree the spool was stuck in but couldn't. We tried to reach the neighbors and ask for help but they wouldn't answer. We tries to reach the people who lived in the house whose roof the kite had flown over. The person saw us, but just stood there creepily opening and closing the blinds. Then Cathy just shouted something along the lines of how they weren't helping us, so we were just going to leave it here, and we did. Shari took Cathy's kite and Cathy went home kiteless. We went back to the park where Shari's dad was and Shari drove us home (she was really excited about it too :P) while Tae and Cathy had stick poking and tickling fights in the backseat, me occasionally being randomly poked with a kite stick. Tae left as soon as we returned. Then we drank a lot of water and I had to go.
As soon as I got home, I was greeted with more math. Oh joy. After math I played piano. I'm happy because I have Ballade memorised in time for the recital and I re-memorised My Immortal :D. And now I sit here typing this to you. The end. :D

Oh, and last night they were playing Bible movies and my brother and I. Hey, we were really bored. We were joking about how the movie ripped off Star Wars by using Aniken's voice for Ramses's son and how God sounds like Darth Vader and it looked like God was the tree. Also, when the chariots were coming, Moses just stood there and stared and we were all "Go Moses, go! Part the seas already! Hurry up, Moses!" It was funny. :P And of course the special effects weren't too good. All the dead people were dummies and it was quite obvious and the hail looked like a ton of golf balls, although it was kinda cool when the people drowned. :P

Ahh yes, and my birthday's coming up. It happend to be on Wednesday. I'm already getting, like, everything I wanted (there wasn't much, just a couple CDs) so no worries. But if you insist... I have a link to my wishlist on my profile thingeth, but it's just a couple things, little stuffs, and a cellphone.

optimism, friends, quotes, life

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