Heroes + School Awkwardness

Dec 02, 2008 18:46

HRG is a voyeur and watches Syelle sex. But, yay for Syelle, making babies! Even though Sylar supposedly kills Elle. Which I don't believe cuz Heroes always has twists and besides, didn't they say a blonde girl would die? Claire died. Granted, she came back to life. Heroes has done that before.

Hatian-Peter-Nathan stuffs wasn't nearly as hooking as Syelle (but really, what is?) but I am very glad that the Hatian had a reason for disappearing. And that he's reappeared. Even if Nathan was a jerk (which can be expected, I guess). Plus, the Hatian vs his brother was interesting. But seriously, if they don't give in a name soon, I will.

Did I mention how much I love Matt/Daphne? Especially the plot. I love that she keeps saying that he doesn't know her when really, he doesn't care. Gaww. Plus, it's becoming easier to see the 'opposites attract' thing going on in them. In personality, not just cop + thief. Like he's more emotional and loves her no matter what, where she's less emotional (seemingly) and ... almost doesn't trust him to love her no matter what?

Claire comes back to life again. Eh, saw it coming. They wouldn't kill her off. Hopefully Hiro's showing her the past thing will stop her from whining about her Electra Complex daddy issues.

The comic book nerds with Hiro and Ando was amusing. Especially Seth whatsit. Can't remember his last name, but he was pretty cool. And finally, a new mission for Hiro!

Err, eclipse explanation, please? Or are we going to have to wait two more seasons? Ahh well, at least it's finally over! How long do eclipses take anyway?

Acks, I was so getting used to Sylar Petrelli. I want him to be a Petrelli so much now! Whatever happened to evil Petrelli grandbabies?!? D: Rawr.

Overall, great episode with an amusing could-have-been-cliffhanger ending. Hiro's randomly teleporting into the Syelle vs Bennet scene made me LOL. Like I literally laughed out loud. Tried to explain it to my parents, but they didn't get it (they don't watch Heroes so I had to explain the whole situation).

Alrighty, so this is a rather short rant, but eh. So in Government class, we're doing a Mock Trial to get an idea of how the judicial system works. I took Law in 10th grade (2 years ago) where we had 2 Mock Trials. In the first, I was a defense witness, and in the second, I was a defense attorney. Mr. Wilson (the teacher) let us write our preferred roles and qualifications into account. I wrote 1) judge 2) prosecution attorney 3) prosecution witness 4) defense attorney. I really wanted to be the prosecution, since I'd been defense twice before.

Before I tell you what role I ended up getting, let me tell you that I am an Indian female, and proud. So, was it really pure chance that I ended up as a prosecution witness who co-owns a 7-11? Oh, and my name is Ginny Burger. That's an awkward last name. Although slightly less awkward because I do eat red meat (even though most Indians don't) but what if I had been vegetarian? Also, my co-owner is a guy I've known since middle school, and is supposed to be my husband. Which, as my friend pointed out, is technically an arranged marriage. >< The guy wasn't at school today though.

Also, I need to do a project on a Supreme Court case. I got the case where they guy sued the school system for making his daughter say the Pledge of Allegiance, which has/had the words "under God" in it. Needless to say (or maybe not needless for those who don't know me as well), I am ecstatic. :D

My other classes aren't as eventful. We're starting our broadcasting unit in TV/Film, which means so far he's just been showing us how to use the equpiment. Math is same old same old. Government I just mentioned. Black and White Photography .. just finished taking my still life pictures. Guess we're developing them tomorrow then. Physiology we're learning the integumentary system (skin). AP English I need to finish reading as soon as I post this. Invisible Man is at least more interesting than the beginning. Only now, it makes me crave yams. Or sweet potatoes.

school, heroes, randomness, life, rant

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