Sylar/Angela is gonna be the next big cestship, perhaps even bigger than conventional Petrellicest. *gasp* Heroes is so full of cest. I have no idea why. Or actually, maybe it's just the Petrellis. So the whole affectionate schpiel (sp?) was just Angela, welcoming Sylar to the family. xD It's just too bad Bridget got killed so quickly. I had seen her in the online stuff (her convos with Mohinder & his dad) and I kinda looked forward to seeing her. Meh.
Sylar and HRG make an awesome twosome. :D Sylar being the good sidekick buddy is amusing ("You do drink decaf, right, Noah?"). Then he turns around and kills Jesse, which is cool, although I was looking forward to seeing more of Jesse, too. And his power. Although we'll be seeing Jesse's power in Peter and probably Sylar too. But I did want to know if Peter would be able to use his own powers while 'in' Jesse (not that way). But the way they paused time to take Peter out had amusing results. :)
I also kinda wanted to see more of Peter's reaction to being trapped in a bad guy, although the others found him out, and the way they did was interesting. I think it was nice to see things turned around like this for a change, rather than blah blah repetitiveness. I don't like repetitiveness >.<
I love the Ando Hiro Daphne thing. I think Ando is gonna go all Aniken Skywalker on Hiro. Like a 'you don't trust me so I'll go bad so mlehh' thing. And if HRG doesn't do something, Sylar'll do that too. Cept he's already bad, but whatevs. Also, I like how despite all seriousness, they're still able to keep both plots relatively light-hearted (especially Hiro's, cuz most of his stuff relies on that).
According to [userinfo]paynesgrey Matt and the African guy are like Luke Skywalker and Yoda respectively. I didn't even know his name till I checked online (Usutu). But anyway, yeah, the storyline here is interesting. Very different from just running around the city protecting Molly, so that's good. Oh and there was a painting that Usutu did of Matt married to a woman with short blond hair ... anyone remember Audrey (female cop from Season 1)? Ah well, that's not the future anymore, as Usutu said.
The Claire Meredith thing was so. Awesome. Homg. But what did Claire finally admit to hating? It sounded like she said 'everyone' but maybe it was just me. :/ Oh and Claire is SO much more Petrelli than she is Meredith (who's last name escapes me). She's up to something, like usual, and being 'up to something' is a Petrelli gene (as is cest, methinks :P ). But yes. I officially love Meredith. Like more than I did before. Cuz before I just thought she was awesome, now I think if she keeps appearing, she'll approach the top of my list. :)
The 'created' part of Tracy's storyline is what I don't get. First I thought Tracy was really Jessica, then I thought maybe Tracy and Jessica were switched at birth or something, and Tracy was Nikki's real twin. Or something of the sort. There are also some theories that when they got rid of Jessica (Nikki's alter personality) The Company turned her into a clone of Nikki, or just cloned Nikki or something. But the thing is, around this same time, they are holding a man who has the power to clone himself (like mitosis!), according to the graphic novels anyway. So why would they need to clone Nikki?
I saw the ads for the next episode and it looks like Paire is gonna have a lover's argument. :D They NEED one, cuz until now, it's all been shared angst, sweetness, and fluff. All good ships need arguments. :) Also, we finally get to see the future and I get to see the spoiler I've been waiting for. :D
Is it Monday yet? D:
Alright so. School. Here's the deal:
1- Tv/Film/Video - We're finishing our first project tomorrow. It's a slideshow (so not quite a video yet) but that's cuz we're still learning the basics. I'm in a group with all guys (including Sushi). But it's not too bad. Our subject matter is the sky, so we basically took pictures of the sky with different stuff around it. Like one with a tree, another with birds, etc. And then Sushi and his friend Nick took the pictures home and edited the sky on Photoshop to make it look galactic-cosmic and swirly and colored. Yeah.
2- Calculus A/B AP - I'm actually off to a good start in this class. It's lots of derivatives. Yeah. And I end up sitting in a different place every day. Guh. Oh well. It's not too bad; at least I'm not totally failing like I expected. :P
3- Government - Not too hard a class. I actually find it interesting. :) Well now we're doing the election thing, and guess what? I'm the presidential candidate for the Natural Law Party. >.< The NLP is basically a party that claims to combine the best ideas of the other parties, and ends up being socially liberal but economically conservative. And they're based on some meditation thing, which is kinda weird, but meh. Oh, the thing about being the candidate? One is I have to make speeches. Which I fail at. When I talk, I flail my arms and fidget a lot and say "umm" a lot. I'm an awkward speaker. Also, I suck at debating. And comebacks. Yet I'm stuck in the role cuz nobody else in my group wanted it. Oh, and did I mention I'm not even close to photogenic? And my face is gonna have to be splattered along the hallway.
4- Black and White Photography - We're finishing our first major project and will (hopefully) start the next on Friday. But we were the first group to use the cameras, which was cool. I finally got to see my finished 5x7 picture today. It was of the track. Leading lines ftw.
5- Physiology - My group is doing most of our stuff last minute. We're planning on meeting at tutorial tomorrow (it's due Monday) but one girl doesn't want to come cuz she doesn't have a first. Dude. I HATE having to work with people like that. Good thing we changed groups.
6- English AP - Alright, so I thought I was screwed. I thought I was gonna fail. But I talked with my teacher and she says it's just cuz I was screwed over when it came to past teachers. None of them really had much as far as formal essay writing (which is true; the closest to that we got was Blooms and we mostly read and discussed in all 3 years). So that's my only problem. Formal essay writing format (tense, third person, and not using conversational language), developing a thesis, and developing my ideas. I actually feel like I can do this. Which is rare because normally if I have to talk with a teacher of mine, I start feeling very pessimistic and downwards spiral to hell and etc.
Oh, and SAT this Saturday. I really don't care; I know there's no way I'll get over a 2000 anyway.