Heroes and stuffs

Nov 10, 2007 00:07

So today was an interesting day. Isaac was complaining about finishing his lunch 2nd period, so he was hungry. Rose said he was PMSing and something like "He's really regular too." Which makes me wonder if she keeps track of these things. And why. O.O
Anyways, Kimi was saying something about a song stuck in her head.
Kimi: It goes like 'Boom boom boom boom'
Rose: Oh that one!
Isaac: Huh? *doesn't know the song*
Rose: You don't know it? They play it all the time. It goes 'Boom boom boom boom, I want you in my room ... '
Isaac: *awk-wardd* Uh ... *backs away* Hello Emily! *walks over to Emily*
Awkward moment define my life :D

Series of eight:
Kaito's Death
Claire's trick
The Shanti virus
Niki gets physical
Peter and Howard Lemay
Kensei and Hiro duke it out
Mohinder takes aim
Bennet bites it

Group of twelve:
Arthur Petrelli [dead]
Angela Petrelli [death threat]
Daniel Linderman [dead]
Kaito Nakamura [death threat, dead]
Bob [death threat]
Maury Parkman [death threat]
Charles Deveaux [dead]
Unknown man
Unknown man
Unknown woman
Unknown woman
Unknown woman

Adam Monroe is a founder, however, he's not in the picture. He may have taken it, or maybe brought them together but didn't count himself as one of them. He may be the gray haired man and somehow have found a way to change his appearance.
The first unknown woman will be somehow important.
How long ago was the group picture taken? Cuz yannow, they could've tried to make em look younger ...
All death notices were recieved while Nathan was close by. Creepy.

Theories about Adam Monroe: He is empathic mimic. He is the original hero/ first person to have powers. He is actually Arthur Petrelli. He started in the future and was "imprisoned" in the past. He started in the past and time-travelled to the future to seek revenge on Hiro.

Oh and btw, the new graphic novel is so sad! Everyone's getting quarentined and Howard Lemay has to lock his family in a room with a guy who has the virus!

Today at school:
2 - Quiz. Think I did alright. Then an actual assignment on reading due in class. Which I didn't do cuz I couldn't focus on the reading since I didn't sleep last night.
4 - Vocab review, quiz correction. Bombed the quiz.
6 - Hunger Artist. Reminds me of the skeleton man from Freaks, only you could see the skeleton man's beating heart and such.

Old Port's makes awesome lobster rolls.
Icon by lay-of-luthien.

school, heroes, friends, quotes, life

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