Final Fantasy and L

Oct 31, 2012 18:41

October 25 - So I based my manicure on Twilight Sparkle because she's cute. Still haven't watched the show aside from two episode which were like one long one, because I found a music video and liked the song. Pretty colors, pretty art, too simple of a plot. Anyway that's not the point, I still think they're cute as decorations. I did accomplish that dare to write a oneshot (which turned into a three shot). so I looked through FFnet out of curiosity and listened to a few stories because often fans come up with better plots than the shows and I was amused. However, while browsing I realized that the brony thing is really. The whole "this has a ton of fan boys" talk, I thought they exaggerated, they don't. This is like Yugioh except with Marty Stus rather than Mary Sues. I lost count of how many summaries were about human boys ending up in the pony world. It's hilarious! So yeah, the ponies really do have a ton of fanboys getting all Marty Stu over them. Surprising, but the proof is in FFnet. It's just too funny for words. But hey, fangirls have been stalking bishounen for years, so let the boys have their fun and stalk... er... not really bishoujo though I'm sure in their minds they are, but let's not go there. Um... colorful little horsies, yet, let them have their fun stalking colorful little horsies. Played some Final Fantasy IX, chasing after Garnet with Freya, Zidane and Vivi. I like Freya's jump and Vivi's thunder.

October 26 - Got my hair done and bought a bunch of stuff. Got an AA energy cell I've been wanting and a card for Reno and Xellos. not sure which games/apps I'll get yet. Recs?

October 27 - In Final Fantasy IX I'm at the start of disc 2. I started Final Fantasy IV and I'm looking for the antidote for Rosa, still pretty early in the game. I haven't continued Final Fantasy III yet, so I'm still in the same place after making it out of the very first cave.

October 28 - Watching Death Note again. "Light Yagami - accomplished all his goals in life and after prosperously ruling the world for many years, he dies of old age at ninety." Seriously, why didn't Light think of using the Death Note like that? XD

October 29 - Watching the Death Note live movies. :D


Fantasy Bit:

October 23 - Slayers Chaos 48: Abduction! Sneaky Thieves and Tomboy Maidens (Slayers)
October 28 - Slayers Chaos 49: Implacable! Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? (Slayers)

October 24 - Gaia Girl (Gaia Online)
October 25 - Aoshi Icon and Cursors (Super Mario)
October 25 - Sephiroth Icon and Cursors 2 (Final Fantasy VII)
October 25 - Kirby Lillipop Icon and Cursors (Kirby)
October 25 - Tiny Kirby Cursor (Kirby)
October 25 - Boshi Cursor 2 (Super Mario)
October 31 - Icecream Background (pixel)
October 31 - Icecream Icon and Cursor (pixel)

October 23 - Rainbow Dash 1 (nails)
October 23 - Rainbow Dash 2 (nails)
October 23 - Twilight Sparkle 5 (nails)
October 24 - Black and White Donut 1
October 24 - Black and White Donut 2
October 24 - Black and White Donut 3
October 25 - Choco Marshmallow
October 27 - Rolo
October 27 - Choco Frappe 1
October 27 - Choco Frappe 2
October 27 - Hair
October 27 - Bracelet
October 27 - Hand 01
October 27 - Hand 02
October 27 - Hand 03
October 27 - Hand 04
October 27 - Hand 05
October 28 - Twilight Sparkle's Donut

Currently Playing:
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Tag Force 4
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy III
Legend of Dragoon
Chrono Cross
Wild Arms XL
Knight in the Nightmare
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