May 1 - Left work an hour and a half early so I could get some sleep since I had training to attend at 8:30am. I did finish working with the flight, but was allowed to skip the after flight office stuff. At least I got the training out of the way... until next year. We all need to take a yearly security training about procedures, safety tips symbol interpretation. Last year it was just for the airport facilities and this year it was that plus the runway. Never mind that I have no need to get a runway driver permit since I don't drive anything out there, but I still had to get the basics.
May 2 - Airport low season please come soon!
May 3 - I don't like how you have to enter the capcha at Fanfiction Net even if you're logging in for the first time that day. It only used to pop up if you mistyped something and had to try again, or logged off and logged back in soon after. Last night I stayed in the airport so I could get my ID pic taken and scan my finger prints. The flight was gone around 2am and the office opened at 5am. I hung around the cafeteria and talked to coworkers that where also staying late for various reasons. We talked about games and anime. Not all of them are into it, but a few are, so we swapped recommendations and talked about the kinds of games we like. By 4am they were all gone though so I stayed in the cafeteria had a chocolate donut with Pepsi for a super early breakfast and played Hakuoki until 5am. I could have gone home, but I knew all that I would do would be to play Hakuoki anyway, so I figured I should save myself the trip and just stay at the airport and play there.
I like the variety of bishounen in Hakuoki, though I'm not so great at remembering their names. I'm glad games like this are being translated, but I really wish they would record the voice acting in English too. I don't think I've read anything whole in my life, school texts, videogames, manga, subtitles, fanfiction I always skipped words out of impatience and my dislike for reading. Now I listen to fanfics whole because I have my computer reach to them me, so I just put on my headphones and click around the Internet while I listen. I even have Zim (my computer) read RP posts to me and help me proofread my own stories. I tend to look at words quickly and come up with what they are, so proof reading without audio wasn't very effective as I would often auto-correct it in my head and miss things that I easily catch in the audio. So yeah, I'm skipping around and really there's way too much text, but I have the general idea of things. I still haven't picked a favorite bishounen yet. As a random note I returned to backloggery, same profile as before To Do List:
- Finish uploading fanworks to Fanart Central
- Loyalty (Pokemon chaptered fic)
- Pokemon one shot (title pending)
- Slayers: Days (writing challenge collection)
- Revamp Fantasy Bit
- Revamp Surreptitious Summon Night fansite
- Revamp RED Reno (Final Fantasy VII) fansite
- Write hero's journey for Layla (rewatch Kaleido Star)
- Revamp Golden Phoenix Layla (Kaleido Star) fansite
- Write and post as of yet untitled Dekar-centric Estpolis fanfic
- Make a ton of pixels!
Fanfics: 1 - Slayers: Days 5: No Sense of Occasion
May 1 - Slayers: Alive 110: Information! Theories and Alternatives
May 2 - Slayers: Days 6: Moonlight
May 2 - Slayers: Alive 111: Survive! Hope Is Hard To Kill
May 3 - Slayers: Days 7: Wolves and Their Prey
May 3 - Slayers: Alive 112: Thoughts! That Which Links Us All
May 4 - Slayers: Alive 113: Tainted! The Nameless Beast
http://mikaristar.deviantart.comApril 30 - Ureksa Cursors (Summon Night)
April 30 - Airplane (photo)
April 30 - Fries (photo)
April 30 - Popcorn (photo)
April 30 - Popcorn Tile BG (photo)
April 30 - Fries Tile BG (photo)
April 30 - Hair Tile BG (photo)
April 30 - Mysterious Envelope (photo)
April 30 - Blue Nails (photo)
April 30 - My Hair (photo)
May 3 - Swirling colors (background)
May 3 - Dekar Cursors and Icons (Lufia)
May 4 - Zelgadis Cursors and Icons (Slayers)
May 4 - Dekar Favicons (Lufia)
May 4 - Zelgadis Favicons (Slayers)