W're making progress...

Apr 20, 2012 16:22

April 17 - Since I'm writing ahead, I'm close to reaching the final chapters of my Slayers story. So close, I feel accomplished. Just a little more, then some revisions and this long story will be done! The layouts for the fansite are already done, I just need to set up the fanart and the other pages aside from the fanfic. Aunt Mari came for a short visit today. She and aunt Cindy are my two cool aunts, some of the few members of my family that I actually get along with, though Mari isn't related to me by blood, it doesn't matter. It's not as cold today as in the last few days. Reno (PSP 3000)'s charger is officially dead. No amount of twisting the cable will make it work anymore. Fortunately I have a USB MiniB cable I can use to charge him.

April 18 - Almost done with my Slayers story, writing it, not posting it. It will have over 100 chapters. I'll post the chapter title list as soon as I'm done with the revisions. I'm revising chapter 11 now, just finished. I'll do two revisions from 100-150 and an extra third revision of 140-150 because those are the newest that I haven't revised as many times yet. I revised by listening to the stories, so I'll have time to color fanarts while I do. Then after this is done I have a requested Slayers story to write, then the Pokemon story to revise twice. Web design revamps go next and finally a new story... possibly Estpolis, Dekar-centric, of course. I already have an idea for it... The main theme will be adventure.

April 19 - I'm at work right now. I was prepared for boredom, but this is super easy. There's a TV, there's unblocked internet. Yay! I'm glad I came after all. I have another email that I use to log in from outside connections so as to not risk my "real" email, I'm sending all this to myself using it. Anyway I was going to rant, but cancel that, I'm comfy getting paid to write a fic and watch a movie. All I need to do is write the names & ID numbers of everyone who goes out to the runway, press the button to open the door and pick up the phone, but all of that is quiet most of the time and sometimes a whole hour goes by and I don't need to do anything. :D

April 20 - Congratulations Snow! http://amassment.livejournal.com/155971.html It makes me so happy when a site I nominated wins. ^_^ Congratulations on graduating too! Lots of happy things happy things happening, yes? May there be many more!

April 15 - Slayers Alive 97: Crafty! The Trickster of Tricksters
April 17 - Slayers Alive 98: Return! The Final Countdown
April 18 - Slayers Alive 99: Surprise! I'm On The Guest List
April 18 - Slayers Alive 100: Acceptance! Reconciling With The Past

April 15 - Saramina 2 (Slayers)
April 18 - Xellos WTF (Slayers)
April 18 - Kirei Ivory (Slayers)

psp, slayers, tech, fanart, life, fanfics

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