
Feb 27, 2012 00:57

Finished watching all 51 episodes of Zenki in English. It looks like the OVA Zenki Gaiden wasn't dubbed. It's just one episode so I survived watching it subbed. There are no seeds in it, he style is a more serious exorcism kind of story. It was good, except for he unnecessary bath-service (though I wouldn't complain if it had been grown up Zenki instead of Chiaki and the girls.) I missed the humor from the series, but I liked that it wasn't all about the evil seeds this time. Chiaki looks older. She says she's 17, was she 15 in the series? I don't remember if they ever said it. She didn't do her poses for spell-casting and she had her bracelet, didn't that break? Though its silhouette did appear at the end so maybe another one was formed. Zenki is also quieter and sneakier in this. He actually sneak around and quietly follows Chiaki, hiding in the shadows rather than being stuffed into her luggage like in the series. In short, Zenki got cooler. The fight scene was much better too and had more blood effects.

Chiaki's outfit is slightly different, the skirt seems inconvenient, like she should have kept the old one, but the top looks better. Really only Zelas (from Slayers) could go to battle in a skirt like that and show only exactly what she wants to, but that's just because the dress is also made of her energy). Going back to Chiaki, the sleeves are still huge, but she has to keep her paper charms somewhere I guess. The story was short and predictable, but it was still good seeing this more serious side to Zenki and Chiaki and catching a glimpse at their future career as exorcists after the whole box of seeds thing was solved. Good to see Zenki wasn't sealed after all, though it looks like Goki doesn't follow Chiaki around as much, but he has his human alternate life to live, while Zenki is completely a guardian spirit. (I think he's an oni in the Japanese version though.) None the less Chiaki is able to transform zenki to his ultimate form without doing the star sign and without assistance from Goki. It is said that she would surpass Ozzuno... Lupapa wasn't there, I'm guessing he/she/it stayed home. There's no golden axe either... but Zenki's got new powers. I supposed that to avoid time paradoxes the dragon had to return to its slumber eventually, it can time travel so as long as it eventually goes back it's okay.

I finally ge to role play Eonix at Regnoran http://www.regnoran.proboards.com She's a loud mouth, explosive wielding, obsessive brat with as much regard for danger as a kamikaze. She's got Fuzen's temper, but she actually has a brain and that's an dangerous combination. Thank Kee she's only a medium Zarkavian, though she is very close to large, if she had been a real large... Just imagine a female Fuzen with the ability to think stomping around, that would be dangerous.

I went through my old files and did a clean up. I have a ton of old stuff to post at Deviant Art. O.o;;

Fantasy Bit:

Feb 26 - Cleaned out the broken links and updated the profile page.

Black Ring:

Feb 26 - Put up a new layout and cleaned out the broken links.


Feb 26 - Slayers Alive 65: Hostages and Bargaining Chips (Slayers)


Feb 25 - Rocket Member Card (Pokemon)
Feb 25 - Prism final evolution (Pokemon)
Feb 25 - Black Ring Chika (Zombie Loan)
Feb 26 - Golden Phoenix WIP (Kaleido Star)
Feb 26 - Jade Shadow (Summon Night)
Feb 26 - Virtual Seto (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Feb 26 - Fantasy Bit (Phantasy Star)
Feb 26 - Black Ring Layouts (Zombie Loan)
Feb 26 - Blue Moon Bekko (Zombie Loan)
Feb 26 - Old Banners (Saiyuki, Zombie Loan, Swat Kats, Jigoku Shoujo)
Feb 26 - Sanzo Banner (Saiyuki)
Feb 26 - Reno Banner (Final Fantasy VII)
Feb 26 - Mello Banner (Death Note)
Feb 26 - Konzen Banner (Saiyuki Gaiden)
Feb 26 - Magus Moon Banner (Chrono Trigger)
Feb 26 - L Poem Banner (Death Note)
Feb 26 - Kirby Frame (Kirby)
Feb 26 - Ureksa Frame (Summon Night)
Feb 26 - Peach Castle Frame (Mario)
Feb 26 - Icons and Sigs (Mario, Lufia, Sailor Moon, Toradora, Mana Khemia, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Saiyuki, Final Fantasy VII)
Feb 26 - Universal Serial Bus (photo)
Feb 26 - Universal Serial Bus (base)
Feb 26 - Falling Petals (Background)

toradora, swat kats, black right, slayers, fanart, regnoran galaxy, fanfics, photo, death note, zenki, kaleido star, mario, phantasy star, sailor moon, lufia, chrono trigger, sigs, fantasy bit, kirby, tech, saiyuki, computer, zombie loan, final fantasy vii, yugioh!, mana khemia, pokemon, icons, summon night

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