Slayers Fanfic

Sep 16, 2011 16:35

I had a slayers dream that I think I could link as the "second season" of my upcoming slayers fic. That's still a long way away, since I plan to finish Don't Give Me Diamonds and Loyalty (the other Pokemon fanfic) before I even start on this one. The Slayers fic, that I have not yet named will have a plot by Xellos and the monster race as a main story point and it will include humor, adventure and action. The "first season" will actually focus on Amelia and Zelgadis with the plot being revealed little by little. Lina and Gourry will be in the story too, but Amelia, Zelgadis, Xellos and Filia will most likely take the center stage.

As for my dream, it was a fight between Xellos and Filia and I don't mean their usual bickering. This was an all out "I'm going to kill you with every spell in my arsenal" kind of fight. Although the source of it wasn't a deep hatred, or natural enmity, but rather, Xellos pissing off Filia in his usual manner and Filia snapping big time, which pushed Xellos to defend himself or die at the hands of a furious dragon. I won't give away any more details, but I really do want to write this scene because I saw it so vividly in my dream. I remember Filia chanting a spell that I think is my imagination's answer to what Amelia mentions in Slayers Try about most real holy magic being "lost" but naturally a dragon who has lived longer than humans would know more about it. It was like the opposite of the Dragon Slave.

slayers, fanfics

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