What have I been up to?

Jun 16, 2011 19:27

xoxox xox News xox xoxox

I haven't given a real ramble about life update in a while. All is well, pretty much the same, but I'm not complaining. I've been playing a lot of Phantasy Star Portable 2 offline since the PSN is not completely fixed. I check every day but the server is still down. :( I hope they fix things before Phantasy Star 2 Infinity, Final Fantasy Type-0 and White Knight Chronicles come out for the PSP in America. I guess there's simply not a lot to say, but that can be a good thing.

In fics, I'm still writing Don't Give Me Diamonds, slowly but surely heading towards its conclusion. The outline is already set all the way to the end. When this is done I'll get back into writing Sanctuary. I've been making lots of dancing pixels lately as you can see in my updates list. XD

Look! http://ankhesenamen.deviantart.com/art/This-place-about-to-blow-213470909 It's awesome!

xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox

Deviant Art:
June 16 - Giovanni Rocket Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - Delia Rocket Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - General Giovanni Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - General Delia Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - Giovanni Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - Delia Dance (Pokemon)
June 16 - Rocket Giovanni and Delia Icon (Pokemon)
June 16 - General Giovanni and Delia Icon (Pokemon)
June 16 - Giovanni and Delia Icon (Pokemon)

xoxox xox Links xox xoxox

Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

pokemon, pixel, fanart

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