xoxox xox News xox xoxox
June 4 - Evening
There's a rock festival featuring different bands right next to the airport. The traffic jam will be huge, but at least I'll probably be able to hear the music while I work. This also means I'll have to leave about half an hour earlier than usual to make it on time, which means I won't have time to play a Phantasy Star Portable 2 mission before leaving as I usually do.
Speaking of PSP2 I still can't play online since the password change server is apparently still under maintenance. Has anyone been able to change their PSN password? I thought it was supposed to be back online be the "end of the week". I'm not sure what to pick as my free reward, but at this rate it might not even be available by the time the servers are back online.
June 5 - Afternoon
One of the bands that played earlier left in the flight I work with. They had tons of luggage with instruments and stuff. I didn't know them before, but after You Tubing them, they're pretty good. Here's one of their songs.
Cut//Copy "Lights and Music"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u02UrBdDHMk I wish I had a camera with me yesterday, I could have gotten pics with them. The blond one asked me where they kept the luggage carts, since I was helping direct people and keep things organized in the check in line. I thought he was just a random cute passenger. XD
xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox
Fanfic Archives:
June 4 - Perhaps, Maybe, Possibly... Chapter 07 Not All is Fair in Love (Tiny Toons)
June 5 - Don't Give Me Diamonds 77: Give me Attraction (Pokemon)
June 5 - Perhaps, Maybe, Possibly... Chapter 08: Accidental Wish (Tiny Toons)
Deviant Art:
June 5 - Pixel and Comet Mini Doodle (Pokemon)
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