I have a cold :(

May 18, 2011 02:33

xoxox xox News xox xoxox

Vdex: Tell me if you want anything from here: http://forum.vdexproject.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=13535 I have retros and legendaries :D

I just finished playing Prophet's Guile (a Chrono Trigger fanmade game) good fun ^^ It's very short, but the plot is quite fitting. You can get it here: http://www.fantasyanime.com/squaresoft/ctdownloads.htm

xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox

Fanfic Archives:
May 15 - Don't Give Me Diamonds 73: Give me Destiny (Pokemon)

Deviant Art:
May 16 - Pika Pix (Pokemon)

xoxox xox Links xox xoxox

Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

videogames, chronno trigger, pokemon, vdex, fanfics

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