
Apr 14, 2011 15:41

xoxox xox News xox xoxox

Played a little more Phantasy Star Portable 2 because you know I love that game. I'm a level 26 hunter. I want to master hunter and switch to force next. I'm on level 138. I want to get to 150 so I can play the harder S tactics missions that are currently locked.

Played some Ys: Sevens, I'm in the wind temple, I got the cape and the pipe, I just need to get to the dragon altar with my bad sense of direction.

Can't wait for the Vdex Easter event, on the 15 was it? Looking forward to it!

xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox

April 13 - Don't Give Me Diamonds 67: Give me Humor (Pokemon)

xoxox xox Links xox xoxox

Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

ys, pokemon, vdex, phantasy star portable 2, fanfics

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