xoxox xox News xox xoxox
Watching Yu Yu Hakusho 71 now...
Played a lot of Ys Oath in Felghana yesterday. I'm looking for the 3rd statue right now, I should have it soon. I'm curious about Chester's mysterious past, been curious about him from the start. I suspect the not so bad antagonist that gets tricked because he's a softy deep down... though if he's too much of a softy I'll be disappointed so let's hope some of that attitude goes beyond trickery. Of course everything is just theorizing right now.
I liked running and jumping. I got close to beating the dragon in the volcano by power of levels and constantly jumping, thus slowing down the rate at which my HP went down, but it wasn't enough. As I ran around leveling I missed a jump and fell, which led me to find the phoenix amulet and become immune to shallow lava... so that's how you're supposed to beat that dragon, it was very easy after that. ^^;; I'm sure you're not surprised that I would throw a Link-like red head such as Adol into the lava and even find it amusing trying to fight and desperately stay alive. ^^;;
xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox
March 20 - Rockets Watching a Movie (Pokemon)
March 20 - Seto, Yugi and Bakura on Gaia (Yugioh, Gaia Online)
March 20 - Peach Karaoke (Mario)
March 20 - Gaia Girl (Gaia Online)
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