Zim x Reno x Shara OT3!

Mar 17, 2011 02:22

xoxox xox News xox xoxox

March 17 - Currently watching Yu Yu Hakusho episode 43.

March 16 - I thought Dissidia 012 came out on the 13th, but it actually won't be there until next week. I also ordered Parasite Eve: 3rd Birthday which will arrive in two weeks, so I'll pick both up then. I traded in Star Ocean: First Departure, since I had already finished it, and got Ys: the Oath in Felghana, since it was the only Ys game they had on hand. I unfortunately forgot to bring my list so I couldn't ask about much. I took out my old list from my bag to update it and forgot to put a new one in. I'll have to make it and bring it in two weeks so I can see if they have any other games I want. Word so far on Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity is not good, low possibilities of translation. :( There wasn't a rush at the store like there is in the weekends, holiday season and evenings so I talked to the guys there for a while, we glorified Link and bashed the new Dante, whined about the new Lara and agreed that Ocarina of Time is made of awesome. I got carded for 3rd Birthday, I apparently still look like a high school girl.

I'm on episode 30 of Yu Yu Hakusho now... Dragon Ball much? It was Vegeta's turn to fight... I mean Hiei. XD I watched a few more episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho while uploading some save files to Game Faqs. It looks like there's quite a queue so it might be a long time until they get approved. I'm also making a backup of some files. ^^ So far my fav YYH character is Kurama, though his plants are creepy. The Saint Beast guy with the flute and bird friend was cute. The wind guy with the point ears is amusing. Hiei is funny too, but I can't look at him without thinking of Vegeta.

March 15 - Watching Yu Yu Hakusho episode 25. Sakio looks like Tseng. XD

xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox

March 14 - Fangs and Feathers 06: Be Careful What You Wish For (Disgaea)
March 15 - Fangs and Feathers 07: Mine! (Disgaea)
March 17 - Don't Give Me Diamonds 62: Give me Reunions (Pokemon)

xoxox xox Links xox xoxox

Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

yu yu hakusho, disgaea, video games, fanfics

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