3 fun dreams

Mar 01, 2011 20:07

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An update on my dreams from the past weeks. I've been meaning to write about them, but have been getting side tracked. Anyway, these happened on different nights.

Dream 1: Rise of the Shadow Dragon Crackfied

The dreams starts and I already automatically have some knowledge about the situation. There's this dragon that's evil and appears every thousand years to consume the soul of "impure dragon children" which may be those of mixed blood and those who have used shadow arts. In other words, both Lance and Kair are in danger and also Salu. She retreated to her island to cast some spells and form a shield that would hopefully attract and capture the dragon's dark power. She somehow also could use the coming of the dark dragon spirit to amplify her shadow power at the risk of the dark side consuming her... She used that power to sense Kair and told Gio her location.

However, Delia who is now fully informed about basically everything, dark dragon included (it looked like a ghostly Zekrom) has somehow convinced Gio that the safest place for Kair is with Lance because they both realized that the spells Salu was casting were not working and the very coming of the shadow dragon spirit was literally driving her insane. Delia thinks that Lance is the only one who can protect Kair because he's a "pure dragon child" (as far as she knows). Gio had apparently read some ancient book he got from Salu which is where Delia got her theory and he knew she was right (or would be if she were right about Lance).

None the less, they decide to give tech a shot instead of ancient magic and with studies in pokemon digitalization (as it is theorized that the dragon spirit is or was a sort of pokemon) Gio has his scientists build a machine that can track and weaken the dark dragon. He decides to ship this to Kair to keep her safe for the time being until the threat is gone, then he can force her to return and kidnap his grandchild when she has it (he thinks it's just one baby).

He send none other than Comet and Pixel with the delivery. The truth, that Gio knows where they are will be obvious, but now's not the time for a confrontation. They deliver the machine and set it while Lance is out getting supplies. Then he arrives to see Kai eating pizza with two Rockets and thinks badly of them because they tried to "poison" Kair. In truth, Comet was having a big pizza burger (burger meat & cheese between slices of pizza) and Pixel was drinking pancake syrup so Kair randomly decided she wanted to do both things to... then she got a really bad tummy ache and Lance accused the Rockets of tricked her into it... XD

Anyway, Com and Pix are leaving soon anyway and Kai manages to calm Lance into not picking a fight. Pix shows them how to use them machine, but upon doing so discovers that Lance is not a pure dragon child. Kair, she knew about, because she's only half, but Lance was supposed to be full blood (yeah they all knows lots of things even they never formally found out). so the machine (it looked like the floating terminals in Phantasy Star Portable 2 with a bunch of laser things sticking out, like the ones with a stick with rings and a ball at the end.) the machine also tells Pixel about Lance's nature (yeah, it can detect a lot of stuff). Kair starts asking while Lance is all like "I told you they were trouble!"

So in the end, since neither Lance nor Kai can operate the machine's defense lasers (it won't respond to them because their "tainted" dragon children and their energy interferes, however it responds just find to pure dragon children or regular humans) Com and Pix end up staying. Pixel then starts getting tech out of capsules like in Dragon Ball Z and the cabin is turned into some high tech fortress that deserves Lance's O.O face. And the four must coexist in the fortress so Pix can operate the defense terminal and shoot lasers at the shadowy spirit and Com is there (he admits it) to watch her back... because the boys think the other is trouble, even if the girls are getting along.

Dream 2: Devil May Cry plus Phantasy Star Portable 2 with a hint of Disgaea

My character that I play as in Phantasy Star Portable 2 has somehow acquired Flonne's personality (from Disgaea). She has the usual white and blue Emilia-style outfit but her weapon are not the knuckles like in the picture in DA, (that and the electric and fire sabers are my main hunter weapons). Instead she is a force and thus uses my main force weapon, the rod with the wings.

She knocks on the door of Dante's shop (Devil May Cry) and it goes like this:

Dante: "Come in"

Mikari-Flonne: *goes in and sees Dante eating pizza* "are you Dante?"

Dante: "yeah, got a job for me?"

M-F: "please forgive me, but I must slay you now..." *gets rod ready*

Dante: *ignores*

M-F: "aren't you going to do anything?"

Then suddenly a lot of monsters break in. They had been following MF because she's an angel/celestian.

MF: "minions!"

MF thinks Dante summoned them and starts fighting. Dante is mad that they're trashing his shop and fights as well. Then he leaves to figure out what's going on and MF follows him but loses track of him.

A whole game in which I play as my PSP2 character passes by, the best part? I can jump and used the light wings to float like in Ratchet & Clank! So it plays like an action RPG kind of hack&slash with platformer elements, such awesome game play! along the game I fight many monsters and sometimes Dante saves my character but she is convinced that he happened to be there because he summoned the monsters and he's trying to kill her. Then in the end after they fight off a boss (and Dante is not a stupid AI thank goodness, though it's kind of ooc that he's such an obedient AI) one stray minor enemy that they missed dashes by. The monster is being chased by the wannabe from the new game.

MF becomes furious saying that the creature is so horrible his existence is a sin. Dante's pissed off too at the lame copycat. This is the true final boss battle, they both trash the lame wannabe. After that's done, Dante realizes what's been going on. That guy's existence had both Heaven and hell pissed off, hence why there have been monsters causing trouble and an angel assassin was sent. MF realizes that her true target wasn't the cool Dante, it was the false Dante.

MF: "Target neutralized, mission accomplished! I should head back to Celestia and report... sorry I caused you trouble Mr. Dante."

Dante: "Nevemind and just call me Dante"

They both go their separate ways with MF using her light wings to fly up and disapear in the sky, and Dante goes back to his shop and orders pizza like nothing happened. This would be such an awesome game! It would also he hilarious to see Dante dealing with a Flonne-like character, though my PSP2 character is not like Flonne, she's a sadist. :P

Dream 3: The Little Rocket Mermaid

The sea and land kingdom were indeed aware of each other and people could transform into merpeople or humans at will. Lance was the prince of the land and Giovanni the king of the sea, those two were at war because Gio, despite having a much larger territory than Lance (there was a lot more water than land) wanted the land for himself too. Kair and Lance were in love and Kair wanted to go live on land, which she could do since she they could all transform between humans and merpeople easily, but of course Giovanni didn't want Kair going up there.

The characters were amusing. I saw 4 different styles of merpeople. Salu was a squid like Ursula but thinner. There were 3 types of fish tails that I drew and posted at DA as pixel bases. Delia had a pink Ariel style tail (first one on pic) and pink sea-shell bra. She was the most Ariel looking mermaid. Others such as Kair and Pixel had a different tyle of tail with a wider double fin instead of the two separate Ariel fins, in the style of mermaids such as Maddison and Aquamarine, (second on pic). Kair's tail was a shiny silver which was apparently rare. Pixel had a blue tail. Comet, Gio and Lance had shark style tails, though Lance spent most of his time on land. They were similar to the Little Mermaid sharkaniands, except sharkanians were half anthropomorphic sharks and all the characters in the dream were human from the waist up regardless of the style of their merpeople forms.

Lance and Salu both had pointy ears, a sign of the dragon clan (only for those who were at least 75% dragon clan, which means Kair, being 50% dragon clan had normal ears). Other than that the only other difference was that Gio had fangs but he was the only shark that had them since neither Comet nor Lance nor anyone else have fangs. The bottom/front of the shark tails was always white, the top/back/fins was a different color. Gio had black, Comet orange and Lance red. Also the Rocket girls except Delia, all used black shirts with red Rs (albeit shorter and sleeveless) instead of the sea-shell bras. The men were all shirtless (yay fanservice!) and had some chains with red Rs on them around their necks, with Gio having the biggest red R with rubies. Gio also had a trident XD but thankfully being the king of the sea didn't make him forget how to shave so yeah no yucky beard.

Ash was younger, about 4 or 5 years old. He had the shark style tail like Gio with an indigo color, no fangs. He was kind of like Kair's Flouder. XD Jessie and James both had the second style of tail red for Jessie and light blue for James. Ariana was the only shark girl I saw, with a tail in a lighter shade of red than Lance's. Archer and Proton had the second tail style (I'm kind of surprised Proton wasn't a shark lol) teal for Archer and light green for Proton. Petrel had the Ariel style tail in purple. They all had these skirt things, some Hercules style and some Egyptian style, though not all the time, just when they were going up to land because in human form they had to wear something and pants would make it difficult to quickly transform into merform.

I was woken up by my own laughter when the executives started singing 'Under the Sea' to Kair... Proton: "Darling it's better down where it's wetter..." *wink* and no one is going to take that the wrong way... XD XD XD

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Pixel Art: Merpeople bases

Icons: Dante

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Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

pixels, disgaea, the little mermaid, pokemon, phanasy star portable 2, devil may cry, dream

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