Don't Give Me Diamonds Shipping List!

Feb 09, 2011 21:27

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Looks like the Valentines event crashed Vdex. -.- so far I caught only the red one. I'll keep trying.

Cherri: did you get Milotic and Delibird alright with the server coming and going?

Everyone: if there's anything you want from my trade list let me know.

Here's a little shipping randomness for fun. I have more shippings to add but I will withhold to prevent spoilers. I checked the Bulbapedia shipping list to see if the names were taken by something canon. According to that, they were not in use.

Canon ships:
Diamondshipping (Gio x Delia)
Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty)
Rocketshipping (Jessie x James)
Another CanonxCanon shipping will be mentioned later

My made up ships:

Daisy x Lando (healingwatershipping) - she's from a water themed gym and he's in the medical supply industry.

Violet x Kenobi (cityleadershipping) - he's the mayor's son and she's one of the Cerulean gym leaders

Aayla x Venom (mutantshipping) - self explanatory

Venom x Amathyst (vaingreedshipping) - she was vain, he was greedy, that's what united them really

Binks x Aayla (experimentshipping) - pretty self explanatory too

Han x Leah (amnesiashipping) - just think of the plot

Leah x Luke (liketwinshipping) - because he's Han's twin and says like a lot, he's the 'liketwin' XD

Binks x Leah (fragileshipping) - self explanatory, it never happened, I'm just listing it for fun

Luke x Aayla (perseveranceshipping) - this also never happened. They both went through a lot, though the full extent of their respective pasts has not yet been revealed, the consequences will bring certain information to light, hence the perseverance part, but again, this shipping didn't happen in the story and it won't happen.

Comet x Pixel (gamershipping) - may or may not happen, gamer as in videogames, which they both love

Laiki x her boyfriends (multipleshipping) - lol yeah it's a big shipping XD

Purry x Persian (classyalleyshipping) - he's classy, she's an ally cat, may or may not happen

Pixel x her computer (luckygeekshipping) - there had to be something unusual listed here, it's perfectly plausible actually :P

Delia x Luke (brokenloyaltyshipping) - this never happened and it never will, because they are both loyal to Gio. The story does mention that Luke liked Delia (the real reason he gave her Shellder way back when) but he never told her because he knew Gio was interested in her.

brainwashshipping - one sided OCxCanon with the OC being the one who's interested, The Canon is not interested at all, no further explanations to avoid spoilers.

Binks x ??? insaneshipping - no explanation to avoid spoilers, this will not happen, they don't like each other at all. I just added the shipping name for fun.

Laiki x Comet (bishounenshipping) - he's a bishounen, she's crazy about them... this will not happen. They are not related, but have a sibling-like relationship.

Purry x Giovanni (catbossshipping) - because Pixel initially thinks Purry is in love with Gio, though she actually likes Persian XD

Purry x Comet (seafoodshipping) - there's a funny explanation for this that I won't say so I don't spoil it

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Fanfics: Don't Give Me Diamonds 56: Give me Satisfaction (Pokemon)

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Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

pokemon, fanfics, shippings

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