
Jan 20, 2011 20:53

Now for some links and this is my last post for today. These are recent arts that I like, fanfics I'm following and... that's mostly it. XD Basically, some recommendations. When I say "listening" instead of reading it's because I mostly copy+paste into my reader and do other stuff on the comp while I listen to stories. I got used to that and reading is so outdated now. I've always been a big fan of fanfics with reading being the only downside to it. Getting the story without having to give up multitasking is awesome!


Pretty much everything written by Snow to which I know the series/game. I just kept up with some stories I missed.

Shades of Gray this is volume 5, I'm currently listening to it alongside Begginnings (which is volume 4, but also a stand alone story). I suggest starting from the volume 1 if you're new to the story. The whole stoy is here.

Blessed Defiance is a sequel to The Lost Chronicles of Giovanni. I'm sure you guessed there would be plenty of pokemon related things here.

Change of Heart is one that I've been following for a while. I started reading it since I didn't even have my reader program back then.

Italian Leather Sofa something I started reading due to my Harvest Moon AU mood. It's been quite entertaining so far.

You'll find more stories I enjoy listed at my at FFnet and PBF.


Don't Give Me Diamonds realistic diamondshipping art.

Fan Service one of my DA favorites folders... basically a gallery of shirtless bishounen.

Favorites while you're at it, why don't you check out all my favorites. They are classified as Fan Service, Eye Candy (fully dressed bishounen), Cute (things you might want to pet), Funny (stuff to make you laugh or at least smile), OTP (pairings) and Awesome (oher cool stuff).

Zarkies! Jess' Zarkavian folder. You can also join the RPG.

Team Rocket because it's been my obsession as much as Final Fantasy VII lately.

As a random note, while I got the links I saw this Dante among my favorites, which made me mad about the new Dante again. I also noticed upon closer inspection that his face looks oddly angelic, which makes for an amusing irony.

xoxox xox xoxox xox xoxox xox xoxox xox xoxox xox xoxox

recommendations, fanart, fanfics, mario, zarkavia, pokemon, dante, harvest moon

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