due to popular demand...

May 27, 2009 11:42

I'm back baby! For today at least.

I'm working in a lab this summer full time...although I don't get paid until starting next week so I don't even know why I'm here but....and right now it's extremely boring. I have nothing to do except plan and prepare for the mice we're supposed to get next week. AWESOME. I just spent the last hour squeezing some polymer crap into little plastic tubes 5mm long so that I can fill it with hormones later whilest covered in two lab coats, a mask, goggles and 2 pairs of gloves. WOO! And trust me, that polymer crap is a pain in the butt!!! I was seriously using my whole freaking body for this tiny little tube and I'm definitely going to have a blister tomorrow...ugh. Anyway, despite that, working in the lab is pretty cool. Yesterday all I did (seriously) was go on facebook, pretend like I was reading papers, and made a new resume since I deleted the old one.... I'm basically just here this week in case anyone decides they need me to do something haha. But yeah while I'm waiting for the polymer to dry so I can go play with estrogen I figured I'd come online and procrastinate.

"So what's new with you Katie?", you might ask. Well I'll tell you some stuff:

1.) The biggest thing lately: I've decided that I'm going pre-med. After deliberating about my future and after hours of agonizing anxiety I have finally decided that it's 100% the right track for me! I only wish I found it out earlier.... Oh well. I really want to go into pediatrics, primary care, ob/gyn, or neurology. I want to keep an open mind at any rate. I'm totally prepared for a lifetime of giving screaming children shots, looking in people's ears and throats, looking into people's ho-ha's and bringing bloody babies into the world, and running brain scans. Actually, I can't wait! The only thing now is actually getting into med school. That's my main anxiety lately. Being pre-med puts a lot of pressure on me to do REALLY REALLY well in school that I didn't really have before. UGH. Oh well, nothing I can't handle....I hope. Anyway, it's a right fit I think, and I'm pretty excited about it.

2.) I decided I'm taking a year off before going to med school (if I get in...) and during that year I will be doing one or more of the following 3 things: working as an EMT in Millis, working at Millis High as a substitute and assistant basketball/tennis coach, or commuting from Millis to Boston to take over our current lab tech's position when he leaves for bigger, better things next year. At any rate I am certain of two things: 1.) I'm moving back home for a year which is terribly sad and is going to be frustrating after living on my own but it is financially a good idea, and 2.) making money and volunteering at some hospital or other. Can't wait. UGH.

3.) I'm going to be a senior in the fall...which I cannot believe!!! That's so scary that my last year as an undergrad in college is coming up! The last few years have just FLOWN by! It's creepy really.

4.) Oh yeah, the lab. I got a UROP grant for the summer which is basically $4000 for the summer to be a research bitch. But at least I get to do my own research. Lots of people ask me what my research entails...and I'm always hesitant to answer. Why? Well....it's more or less awkward. Our lab studies the links between pheromones, olfaction (smell), and behavior in mice. One of our grad students found a pathway in the brain that goes from the accessory olfactory bulb to the medial amygdala (which is the brain center for aggression, sexual behavior, fear etc). We are lesioning (taking out) the medial amygdala of the mice and then see if the mice react differently to gender-specific odors aka pheromones. Sounds fancy huh? WELL what that really means is next week I have to milk mice for their pee and then after I HELP preform some brain surgery, I present the pee to the mice and see if they like the male pee or female pee better. When that's done, I then watch the mice have sex and rate on a scale of 1-4 how the female responds where 1 is she beats the male up or runs away, and 4 is she is like "OH YEAH BABY!". Fun stuff. Anyway...it's pretty cool I guess. I can't wait to watch that mouse porn. WOO!

5.) I'm starting as a volunteer at a children's hospital tomorrow I think. It's a desk job but I'll at least be in a hospital setting. I always seem to pile stuff on for myself. You would think working 40 hours/week would be enough for me but nooOooOOo. I always do this. Last semester I had a part-time job, volunteered in the lab I'm working in now, was chair of a committee for relay, took 3 lab classes, and volunteered (or tried) for a hospital. It was a painful semester. Unfortunately next semester looks as though it's going to be just as jam-packed, however I'm not taking any lab classes which is nice. But yeah, needless to say, I've been very busy.

That's probably enough for now...I really should get back to work...although I might take my lunch break now before I play with the hormones. Hm...

Maybe I'll be back on in a few hours when I get bored again.... :)
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