Jan 16, 2008 12:10
Still no computer.
An aquaintance has ordered a new power source and once that arrives, we'll see if the ol' clunker comes back to life. If not, then it's a motherboard issue. Thankfully, i have a friend who was on teh Geek Squad for 3 years and he's offered to come all the way out from Cape Cod to fix/upgrade my machine.
I'm about 90% moved into the House of J's, just my bed, bunny, kitchen and bathroom stuff to be moved, plus myself and clothing. Weather willing, I'll be moving the last of my stuff in on Sunday or Monday.
Luggage is deeply confused by the lack of furniture in the apartment and has been following me around mroe than usual. I feel bad for the lil guy but soon he'll be less "Where did everything go?!?!" and more "Who are these people and why can't I run around free-range anymore???!?!?!?!"
Taking care of bill paying and address changes, I"ll be posting an official mailing address later under a special filter. If you want my new mailing addy, leave a comment here.
That's about it for now. More updates as they happen and when I can get to a comp.