You filthy minded beasts, what do you fucking music fans think you know about political theory? Nothing, thats what, you son of a bitch holocaust victim!
Just because you neopaganite mongrels attended a few classes on macro or international relations doesn't mean you have fucking forthwith expertise on matters economic and political. You know nothing academy cantrip casting sops.
Ron Paul is a libertarian. Libertarianism is not a cool club that you filthy rotten alternative rock listening kids can pretend to understand so that you look informed.
Libertarianism is founded on the principle of Natural Right Philosophy, you dirty horrible fools. Natural Right Philosophy assumed that there are inalienable rights that people possess, such as life, liberty, and property. These inalienable rights differ from legal rights. Legal rights are merely conventional laws and jurisprudence set up by courts and decree, and by mortal means. The concept of an "inalienable right" is a theological assertion that GOD has gifted man a soul and judged each equally in worth. Man may differ from his fellows in skill and such, but to GOD, every man is equally worthwhile. So, for one man to rule over another is in violation of both Natural and Divine Law. Natural right assumes that god designed nature in such a way that it is proper and correct by the very laws of nature for man to live in liberty, you anti-anti-semitic bastard.
Libertarianism without natural right philosophy, or without a belief in GOD, has no logical justification, and contradicts itself. AN ATHEIST WHO SAYS HE IS A LIBERTARIAN KNOWS NOTHING OF POLITICAL THEORY OF PHILOSOPHY. He is a crime by his very birth, and must be subdued by the sword and brought to profitable labor by the whip.
Now, libertarians do argue in consequentialist terms when they assert that the only logical means to distribute resources is by a price system, and that markets create the only workable incentive for human beings to labor and invent, but at it's core libertarianism has no justification without a belief in Natural Right Philosophy, you whore children of Babylon.
Now, Ron Paul is a classical Austrian Libertarian, associated with the out of style Ludwig von Mises Institute. ( )
The big question concerning Ron Paul's legitimacy as a presidential nominee is this: If Ron Paul is elected and actually disbands the IRS and cuts public education to nothing and takes all our troops out of Europe and Asia and sells all our military bases to pay of the National Debt while telling the countless nations that rely on American Military power for their national security that they need to handle it themselves now, will the global chaos caused by such hasty disbandment of the world's most important international organization result in a nuclear holocaust and the Rapture?
Perhaps Ron Paul can institute some sort of libertarian withdraw policy, where the United States sets a deadline for it's eventual withdraw from the international scene, allowing countries and international firms that depend on us for their security to have the necessary time to prepare. This idea has problems, for Ron Paul might only be in office for four years, and if the deadline is not over and America elects an interventionist liberal like George Bush again, then the deadline will mean nothing and we will kick just up the engines of empire once more.
The nuclear holocaust option is more preferable to me, for several reasons. One, I will see you filthy whores burn for not accepting Jesus Christ, and two, it will mean that Ron Paul's policies will have a more long term effect. It would be a shame for America's first libertarian president to to be a blip in the radar.
- Lord Hudson