Apr 22, 2007 03:42
I have not been here in several months. I missed you fellows. I have panged for reunion with you, I had more seperation anxiety then Mike Tyson being severed from the divine energy that sustains him.
How praisworthy is it for a prince to keep his faith, and to live with honesty and not by astuteness, everyone understands. Nonetheless one sees by experiance in our times that the princes who have done great things are those who have taken little account of faith and have known how to get around men's brains with thier astuteness; and in the end they have overcome those who have founded themselves on loyalty.
Lets ask the audiance. What is morality? Explain your own morality and the reasoning you have done to arrive at the conclusion of your beliefs.
The big question, ladies and gentleman, is this. Are there moral truths outside of convention. And if so, which moral truths are conventional and which are absalute? Moral relativism is a philisphical nightmare that has emerged in the western mind as an informal social moor.
What is moral relativism you ask? It's simple. Moral relativism is the doctrine that there are no universal moral truths. It holds that moral or ethical propositions do not reflect universal or empirical truths. Most moral relativists are very flakey with this idea. It is very difficult to hold strict belief in moral relativism in a society where morality is generally accepted in all avenues of society. However, it's doctrine has invaded modern western thought in a profound way. It has changed the character of the western mind. It has seeped into our culture and molded with our residual Judeo/Christian and Protestant/Capitalist/Entrepreneur world views. The result of this molding is modern multiculturalism. Moral relativism started off as an academic postulation reserved for
intellectuals and classroom style debate. The reason it has been adopted by western trends of thought is because the idea was romantisised by coffee shop intellectuals, and they carried the disease to the rest of the populace.
it all started in the 60s in the death throws of the Vietnam war. Young students began to drift away from the lofty leftist academic traditions, such as american socialism, american trotskism, american anarchist movements, and into a subculture built around populer music and drugs. it was an outpouring of unfettered adolescent libertanism. it lacked any intellectual substance as a movement. it was the perfect enemy of angry uneducated sternfaced conservatives who didn't know how to talk about their emotions and who enoyed beating hippies with clubs. these angry conservatives wanted to beat hippies with clubs in defence of the sensibilities of their social conventions, rather then out of fear of the philisophical significance of hippy doctrine. they were two closed minded groups who had no semblance of real politick, going at eachother like preps vs goths in a schoolyard brawl. my favorite part is when masses of hippies had large angry dogs sent in against them. like roman war dogs.
meanwhile, the elite proponents of hippy sympathy were making big waves for the rest of america during the civial rights movement. although the most influential and meaningful gains made for civil rights were lead by deeply religious sentiment, moral relativism was introduced to mainstream america via political correctness.
political correctness is the most anti-intellectual movement to hit america in it's entire history. the only thing that can top it is when american protestants thought that the pope was conspiring to destroy democracy using the emperor of france as his assasin.
by it's very design it avoids direct and meaningful dialogue in favor of sugar coated candy drops. i really feel it in unecessary and simply mistaken.
moral relativism is a complex beleif that is beyond most people to understand, as they care more about american idol then important things. but i will translate it via this exciting play to show you what i am talking about.
chelsie: hi phil.
phil: hi gunks.
chelsie: what did you do today?
phil: i masturbated to saving private ryan.
chelsie: war is evil. america is a criminal organisation that exploits the working man.
phil: chelsie. you are a crazy slut who was bakeracted for a haroin addiction. you fucked lots of strangers to simulate the love your father never gave you. you never had to work and you got sent to school out of your parents pocket. i think it is hypocracy for you to chastise the society that has given you such an easy road to follow. perhaps you should pray more, maybe you will feel less completely psychotic, irational and self destructive. because it is obvious your agressive political beleifs would be laughed at by any serious and sophisticated person. it is my intuitive opinion that you have some sort of antisocial disorder.
chelsie: don't tell me to pray. you shouldn't force your religion on me, war pig. all you christians are the same, evil and wrong. and you force things down people's throats. i am justified with feeling annoyed at every christian and i am also justified in leaving if things don't go my way. it shows i have character. i am not weak or conceited. it is the official policy of all christians to harass and brianwash everyone.
phil: i told you i wasn't a christian.
suddenly an elbow is dropped and she wakes up in a soviet gulag.
although this was an exageration, this is the type of person who is the descendant of moral relativism. it bothers me that so many americans have fallen into it's decietful web. it ia the product of our failure to educate our young people. we have an entire genration who is incapable of articulation and self inspection. they should be sent against the chinese in waves of cannon fodder.