OOC:: New and Improved Sadiq App [WIP]

Nov 07, 2011 00:28

Name: Rosie
Age: 20
Experience: Several years of RPing in general. Probably 2 years with Turkey.
E-mail: marth_heart_heart@hotmail.com
AIM: marth_heart_heart@hotmail.com

(I do have MSN, but I rarely EVER actually appear online. I mostly use it for the email notifications. Adding me to it uses pretty much the same email as above though)

Nation: Turkey

Name: Sadık Adnan
Nickname(s): There are quite a few variations in spelling of his name, if not just because the "ı" doesn't exist in the English alphabet. People also seem to find great joy in emphasizing his name to sound like "Sa-dick." In which case he doesn't pay much attention to them at all unless they're annoyingly adamant about it. Among his other nicknames are "old man," sometimes peppered with other insults such as "hairy" or "fat." Usually they make him snort. That isn't to say that he doesn't mind giving other people derogatory names himself.
Age: 36
Date of birth: October 29, 1976
Hometown: Ankara. That isn't to say that he hasn't been practically everywhere in Türkiye by now. Much of his life has been spent in Istanbul as a kid, and that is where his family currently resides.
Occupation: Works full-time at Falmouth University in the history department. He teaches mostly Military History and Ottoman History... But Sadık's the professor no one ever wants to take because he certainly doesn't make his classes easy. He's also a former bartender at the Winchester.
Residence: Lakewood
Family: Adam and Meryem Adnan are his parents, both of which who still reside in Turkey. Sadık also has two younger sisters, but they have no plans of ever leaving the country, and at least one of them (Fatima), is married with a son of her own. He's pretty close to his roots however, which includes family, and he does actually keep in touch with them pretty often. Mostly through letters or phone calls because he's an old fashioned son-of-a-gun like that.

First impression: Intimidating, competitive, rude... Why am I talking to him again?


i.  Sadık wears a porcelain mask almost every time he goes out. No, it certainly isn't because there's something on his face that he wants to hide so badly, though there's no doubt that has been many people's theory. Honestly, it was something his grandfather had passed on to him at one point during Sadık's late teenage years -- someone whom he had greatly admired at the time -- before his death. A masquerade mask is known to be something worn for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement. For him, it's really a mix of all four that gives him reason to wear his. That, and it just has sentimental value (if you can believe it).

He's grown to feel almost self-conscious without it, but when he is at home, Sadık is often wearing his glasses instead. Remarkably short-sighted, he is.

ii. Sadık is Muslim, but he uses the word loosely. It's not really something someone would guess about him even after years of knowing the guy. Besides, with his colorful vocabulary and affinity towards violence, no one can really expect much from him and his relationship to Allah, and he very rarely prays or attends mosque. Perhaps a few times a year, during the holidays. To go along with this, he also smokes regularly, and he loves to indulge in a touch of alcohol from time to time. None of this necessarily makes him a bad person per se... Sadık is just not strict when it comes to his, or other people's religions for that matter.

Ah, but he does fast during Ramadan, if just because it's tradition. It's harder to go through with in the States though, because everyone around him is constantly munching on some sort of snack.

iii. That's not to say that he isn't ridiculously close-minded and stubborn, and will try to win an argument even if he knows he's wrong -- though he rarely is wrong (in his mind). There are plenty of topics that he'll get up in a huff about; homosexuality, that little issue between his country and Greece, and Turkey in general (as he wont let anyone dare speak down on it), being among the very, very few. He has his opinions, and it's hard to sway them. Call him traditional, but he doesn't like change. Ladies probably think of him as sexist as well, but he doesn't think that's the case.... He just believes, when he does settle down, that the she will be taking care of him.

iv. Sadık has been living in the States for approximately 11 years, and he's familiar enough with the English language now for his accent to be nearly nonexistent. Not to mention, he has long managed to pick up much of today's lingo and speaking patterns... Meaning he has swell street talk, but his language and grammar would make an English major cringe.

Only on very rare occasions will he slip into his native tongue, if not simply because there really is no point in doing so when he's in America. You have to be someone special, or someone who can really piss him off enough, to get him to forget about what language he's speaking in.

v. Speaking of moving to America, Sadık had decided to journey over at the fresh age of 25. Not because he wanted to move away from Turkey -- Allah knows he loves that country -- but rather for the same reasons everyone else moves to America: opportunities. There may have been plenty of them in Turkey after he got his Masters Degree, but there really is a certain appeal of traveling abroad. Besides, he had been given a rather lovely opportunity to be a professor at Falmouth, and it was something he had taken up none too long after he got the letter. He still makes annual trips back home, but for the most part he plans on staying in the US for at least a few more years.

vi. For such a brute, Sadık has an obnoxious sweet tooth. Don't be surprised if you find him munching on some sort of snack while he's grading tests in his office, as if the place wont already be littered with fancy little boxes of Turkish Delight. Among his favorites are baklava and Aşure, the latter of which is near impossible to find in the states and must be made himself if he wants it done right. That's not to say that he doesn't love silly things like cakes and cookies too, so long as they're plain. Nothing too feminine here.

To go along with this, he is also a pretty decent baker. He has to have learned something after years of being a bachelor, after all.

vii. Sadık has... a sore spot for cats. This is partially due to a little Greek brat he knew once upon a time back at home (a little thief he had caught) who had a strange admiration towards them, and partially because he's mildly allergic. It's mostly because he associates them with something he dislikes (Herakles) that he would rather kick them out a window than play with them.*

((Leaving this part of his history vague for the time being, but I do have some sort of vague idea planned out with Maarit in the meantime))

viii. Sadık normally dresses rather plain when he's hitting the streets; t-shirt and jeans, for example, along with converse shoes are a normal wardrobe. Often he'll sport a sweater with the hood up as well. It's not the rich style one would expect him to have, but he rather prefers not to flaunt himself around. In fact, he's generally rather quiet about his family and history all together, but it's not because he's particularly ashamed of anything. For one thing, it makes him feel old. Second to that, it's just a boring topic of conversation. There's not much to say when he grew up a spoiled brat, yeah?

You might learn a bit about him when you visit his apartment though, which is rich in pottery and antiques and lavish rugs. What, I did say that he enjoys luxury.

x. He's a competitive guy by nature, but many tend to mistake it as rudeness. Sadık is very physical, and he isn't shy to do what it takes to win. You can be sure that he enjoys his fair share of sports because of this, but he doesn't take part in anything these days (wrestling was a favorite of his back home though). He's active for sure, and he runs at least once a day, which makes up for the obnoxious amount of treats he munches regularly.


The truth of his family is that among the very wealthy in his country. To make a long story short, Sadık's family is directly related to one of Turkey's last sultans. If this was the time of Ottomans, he'd be a prince. Basically, his family is loaded, but it's not exactly something he is boastful about, and he has a habit of being frugal when it comes to spending. Of course he enjoys being pampered and living luxuriously, but rarely will he buy something just on impulse.

writing sample

He'd left his keys in his office, but it wasn't until after he'd bought dinner that he realized. For he had found himself, not for the first time, standing outside of a locked door. Sadik took a rather aggressive bite from his sandwich, at least to get his blood sugar up before he made any stupid decisions, and stuffed it back into it's bag so he could properly manage to fold his arms over his chest. He didn't have any option but to go back to school. And fuck he didn't want to. That staff meeting had made him late enough coming home as it was.

Sadik was no longer in a pleasant mood, but he rarely was anyway. It wasn't even remedied when he had arrived back at school, where he had rummaged through his office until he found the keys in a drawer. Why did he put them in a drawer? Why not shoot himself instead? Outside, the wind was blistery cold, that transition between fall and winter when everyone got in such a good mood while the holidays approached. He wasn't feeling so cheery himself, but it could be due to the fact that it was approaching midnight and he still wasn't in bed.

He clicked his tongue in distaste as he walked. November evenings weren't very comfortable when you were outside, alone, in only a sweater. Sadik buried his hands into his pockets, where he could at least manage to keep them partially warm as he padded down the sidewalk. If he was a romantic man, he would have appreciated the unique sight of the campus outside, and so late, more than he did; the sky cloudless, and stars bright above him, their flicker reminding him of a laugh, in a way. Mocking him. He wished he could laugh too. He found the view soothing in a way that wanted to lull him into sleep while on his way home.

Just in case he did pass out on the pavement, he looped his fingers through the cool metal of the keychain in his pocket to make sure they were there. Wouldn't want to find out he dropped them somewhere. Again.

application, !ooc

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