[OOC] Wow, haitus

Feb 12, 2011 13:23

Salam everyone :< Sorry for being totally nonexistent lately D': Unfortunately I don't really have an excuse, because I mean... Though I have minimal art homework, and though I'm dying a slow and painful death with the German language, I still do have time to RP and shiiiit. As you might have noticed because I'm still on AIM every night (including yesterday, until like 4am SOB) xD;

Basically I'm just not feeling it right now. The MUSES aren't dead really, but just. I'm feeling uninspired. And everyone seems rather busy with their own muses, that I don't like pestering for a possible budding relationship > A< My fault. But besides that, yeah, I'm just taking up space on the character roster while not doing anything for the past few weeks. Srry. If I'm still not feeling it over the course of... soon, I'll just drop completely for someone else to take my place.

That, or have someone get shot because at least it's SOMETHING :|||| I'm kidding lol, don't worry

hiatus, ooc

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