Aug 08, 2005 12:50
Don't usually remember dreams, and when I do they are usually rather mundane. Nothing spectacular (other than the reacurring old friend coming back to life)
But! Last night I did have a dream, a more or less actiony/adventury dream. First I was at a friend's house trying to find him for what ever reason and his mother mentions to me that platted bombs in thier house to kill my friend so my girlfriend and I (yeah a girlfriend what a wackey dream) search through his house to find all the bombs, and we notice that there are things that they wouldn't normally have in their house are the bombs, like a bunch of empty 'Surge Cola' cans.
Later we wonder off and one way or another we find that my late godfather is alive again, and I get all happy and huggy and cry-y and just a general big bad of sap. Well we're sitting there, me, my girlfiend, my godfather, and his wife just hanging out talking & such and he gives me a present, it turns out to be a cell phone the exact model & such of the one I already have. I go out to my car to dig into my trunk to find something to give to him and I realize that the phone he gave me is a bomb. I go back into the house and ask him about it and he tells me that he didn't want to, but the people who broght him back to life made him.
Then I woke up.