Aug 04, 2005 22:08
So, just got back from the dress rehersal, fixed myself a rum & coke and I have news. Remember a post & a half ago where I mentioned a beautiful woman? And that I didn't know how old she was? Wll fuck, I found out. At the start of the school year she will be a junior, in HIGH SCHOOL!
But, so yous people won't think I am creepy, I am definitly NOT going to think about attepting to try to persue her. bastards.
But on a slightly related note, one of my theatre mothers mentioned to me that I should try to talk to this one chick in the cast. Why? Not sure. She asks me if I've ever spoken to her and my answer is no, because well out of the cast of ten or so, I have only spoken to like 3 or four of them (three of those people I already knew) I am horridly akward when speaking with people I don't or barly know. What the hell is Zach supposed to say?. erg.
It seems that I always fall for the ones that are unavalible to me, and it's pissing me off!
Now off to watch some Carnivale then off to bed.