application ೄ guysandolls

Nov 05, 2010 14:10

JOURNAL: inforeignlands.
AGE: age. 22 years | date. November 22nd, 1987.

SERIES: Axis Powers Hetalia.
FULL NAME: Türkiye (Turkey) → Yüce Osmanlı Devleti (The Ottoman Empire) → Sadık Adnan.
AGE: physical. ≥ 1500 years old | mental. ≈ mid twenties.
EXPLANATION; Due to there being no canon listed age for Turkey his listed time hails from the point of migration of the Turkish people to the modern geographic area known as Turkey during the sixth century. Even then, it should be noted that in Hetalia canon, age and physical body do not coincide and it can be assumed that Turkey's youth existed before his gradual rise to his introductory physical form.

GENDER: physical. male | mental. male.
CANON POINT: 09 August 1920; one day prior to the signing of the Treaty of Sèvres; a peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies at the end of the first World War. It was the formal introduction to the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire by France, Italy and Great Britain even though such preparations had been in motion by the three powers since 1915 and more formally the disposition of the lands of the territories of the Turkish Empire were also considered during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The Treaty of Sèvres was simply the proverbial nail in the coffin of what remained of the Empire and henceforth would alter the Ottoman states into the Turkish Republic.
APH: wikipedia article & APH: manga scanlations

TURKEY: Hetalia Achieves , TURKEY: simple character introduction , TURKEY: volume three profile & TURKEY: recent profile

HISTORY OF TURKEY: wikipedia , TURKEY: CIA world factbook , TURKEY: wikipedia , THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: wikipedia , CULTURE: tradition and history & TURKISH CULTURE: lifestyle

PERSONALITY: Far from being the "sick man of Europe" as he is claimed to be Turkey is a mysterious character who displays nothing but excessive vigor, youthful salubrity, and sincerity in his actions. A showy, absurdly passionate, ostentatious and uncle-like character, he is extremely amiable and boisterous in his merriment. A bit of a loudmouth he tends to lean more on the side arrogance and narcissistic tendencies when it comes to his personal beliefs in himself and other aspects of life. Perhaps a step beyond cocky, far from self-conscious or meek, he aims to be perpetually in the loop of worldly knowledge and the know-how of the moment. Due to this effort he tends to be a bit nosy in situations and is not against prodding or pulling information from those with unending questioning, bothering or just general annoyance to get his way, always one to push and push for his favorable outcome. Not one to hide his intentions, perhaps only smooth them over, his blunt and deliberate way of speaking, and the actions that follow, explain his status as an Empire that shook up a great deal of Europe. He can be intimidating and fearsome when it comes down to it, not one to ignore the benefits of violence if the situation calls for it. He'll throw his weight around before backing down and is never one to step away from an insult and let it slide as his position as an Empire gives him great force. Despite his friendly attitude, such force is not uncommon and he twists any arm he pleases (or at least tries to do so) to find his victory or fight to the very end while doing so regardless of an encroaching loss. Beyond that, he is extremely competitive and domineering and will attempt to compete or compare on a many number of things without any reason to do so. On top of that his more stubborn side is just as present as the lighter sides of his personality and while everyone is known to have a stubborn streak Turkey finds his at the most random and convenient points in time.

His Turkish accent is distinctive (comparable to an Edo dialect), his laugh and smile is charming, and his tongue is sharp. He is a smooth talker, extremely political and persuasive but when it comes to personal relationships he often isn't one to think first and finds himself with his foot in his mouth if he's not careful. He is certainly not one to ignore the pleasures of the id, and takes great pride and no shame in taking in the gratifications of life. A lively personality, he is quite the connoisseur and enjoys everything from new foods to new experiences, never one to take comfort in too much regularity as conflict and effort are part of a healthy lifestyle though a day at the baths is equally rewarding. He is known to favor the sweeter types of foods, such as his prized dish aşure, and is never without some sort of flavor drink to take a sip of during breaks in the day. Turkish coffee is said to derive from his enjoyment of sweet things; a strong coffee with copious amounts of sugar within for a bittersweet flavor. Yet surprisingly his choice in alcoholic imbibing lacks a saccharine quality; rakı, an anise-flavored spirit.

Too much of a show off Turkey perpetually seeks out new things from inventions to fashion and takes great pride in his style. He has a fervent love of entertainment and focuses a great deal of that energy towards his people and primarily his tourists, never wishing them a dull time while visiting his home. His culture is fond of any type of performance that keep locals involved and bring tourists year-round, as well as holds a long standing belief in tradition for events such as dance, song and even yağlı güreş, better known as oil wresting.

As far as strength and weaknesses are concerned, Turkey is a very commanding force to be reckoned with. At this stage in his life he is more resistant than ever to let go of his status as Empire and degrade into a republic. Yet forced by the hands of the Allies after a crippling war he is ashamed and guilt ridden. Despite his current state though, he has all the strength of a kingdom and is willing to display it even under the thumb of the several nations forcing his hand in the matter. What brought him to his current state is a major strength, melded into a major flaw that rests within his personality, that being his stubborn nature. Unable to give up or give in easily, no less sway to another belief or opinion, he tends to make choices that later on lead to his own demise and while they seem beneficial in the beginning they often alter as time passes. His rather charm which he uses to gain trust of others or and the strength of his might which he can also force them into his hold works as a benefit for success yet also a disadvantage in gaining stable relationships. He is one to simply take what he wants despite the repercussions and can be thoughtless at times, his own ego and id getting in the way of his success because he failed to see his own faults. Yet, on the stronger side of his personality, strength can be found in the confidence in himself as well as trust within others. He is open-minded and adaptable to situations and more often than not such a nature tends to profit him more than hinder.

As far as Hetalia canon relationships are concerned, the primary focus of his ire, in canon and historically, is Greece. During his rise to empire status Turkey took Greece under his control after having caused the fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire in his quest to conquer more and more of Europe and beyond. Unfortunately for Greece he remained under Ottoman control until the 19th century, when he became involved in a war to regain his independence in the Greek War of Independence and in turn was successful in his efforts by 1830. Since then the two of them were unable to get along in the same environment without an altercation of some sort, even after declaring a cease-fire. What occurred due to Ottoman control was not only a political tension but also a cultural tension that has never been fully relinquished, even though it is better by modern standards. Simply put it is an everlasting rivalry. A less elaborated and questionable rival that has been openly mentioned is none other than the Netherlands in which the pair ss speculated to be bitter rivals. Within the strip the Christmas Rampage 2007, it is mentioned that Turkey once fought with the Netherlands over the title of The Tulip Country, a battle that was probably won by the Netherlands. As a side note on historical reference, while the Dutch had a strenuous relationship with the Ottoman Empire since 1611 due to payment options, embassy dues, and mercantile mortality conflicts, they remained in good standing to the point in 1804. Sultan Selim III was appointed the first resident representative to Amsterdam. It can also be noted that the village of Turkeye in the Netherlands was named in 1604 to thank the Turkish sailors for their support to the Dutch in the battle with the Spaniards in the Dutch War of Independence.

Another nation mentioned regularly within canon terms is Japan, whom Turkey seemingly has a soft spot for while in turn, Japan holds mutual respect for him. In one illustration Turkey starts fighting with Greece when he sees Japan in Greece's company, assuming that Greece wanted to take over Japan. In another instance Turkey threatened France with Don't you dare try anything on Japan, or else I'll invade you. Historically the basis for their relationship is the Ertuğrul incident which is considered the foundation stone of the Japanese-Turkish friendship. In 1863 the Ertuğrul, a sailing frigate of the Ottoman Navy, was launched. In 1890, while returning from a goodwill voyage from Japan, she encountered a typhoon off the coast of the Wakayama Prefecture, drifted into a reef and sank. Only sixty-nine sailors and officers survived and returned home later aboard two Japanese corvettes. Due to the kindness and hospitality of the Japanese it is considered a day of commemoration. On the same lines of goodwill, a secondary character Turkey is commonly associated with in canon is none other than the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, a de facto state located in the northern portion of the island of Cyprus that came to be after a coup d'état in attempt to annex the island to Greece in 1974. In turn Turkey responded with a military invasion in which the result was a partitioning of the island leading to the diplomatic recognition of TRNC, only from Turkey. While this event occurs after Turkey's arrival time line in game, it can be assumed, due to Hetalia standards, that TRNC exists in the world before his official naming, only awaiting his founding within Cyprus's boarders.

WHAT TO WORK OFF OF; While Turkey's sexuality is never mentioned in the series, the follow are the thoughts of the applicant in regards as to what there is to work off of in as far as sex and sexuality is concerned for Turkey's character, but in no means is to be considered canon, simply based off of general series observation and historical precedent.

Hetalia suggests a certain sexuality or at least intimate relations within the series, often between those claiming territory and land. Due to the mass amounts of male nations in Hetalia it is viewed nearly improbable to think that Turkey has not dabbled with the same gender. Historically, as one of the more liberal countries within the geographic area of the middle-east, Turkey is known for their views and westernization of sex in comparison to other nations within the dominant religion of Sunni Islam. Even though Turkey is being taken from an earlier time period such ideals as the legalization and regulation of prostitution have been present since the beginning of the 20th century and while only women can register under the regulation, there is no shortage of men who partake in such work. It should also be noted that same-sex sexual activity has been legalized in Turkey and was decriminalized by the Ottoman Empire since 1858. The openness of Turkey's legal, social and political state is blatantly evidence of his own outgoing nature towards sex and gender. Yet what cannot be ignored is the primary religious affiliation and despite the openness of the people of Turkey and their leniency towards sex, it can be assume that if Turkey was offered a human partner, his choice would be of the female gender more often than male. From the Hetalia standpoint gender has no bounds as far as sex is considered from the view of one country to another. Even in the past, due to the presence and open acceptance of harems and other parlors, sex or at least affection has been a part of Turkish history throughout.

APPEARANCE: No alterations.
WISH: Since 1829 Turkey has watched his empire steadily decline and with the formal dissolution of his vast territories and control at his doorstep there is no regret nor any second thought as to what he wished for so desperately for, and that is the return of his empire to its greatness, the golden age, of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when his hold and influence stretched in all directions and held fast in power and strength.
REQUESTED HOUSE: Kawabari Household or whichever the moderators deem fit otherwise.
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES: Necessary to mention or not, Axis Powers Hetalia is a series that takes nations of the world and personifies them into living, moving entities with resemblance to humanity. Therefore, in his entirety, Turkey is not human, he is actually a country, or from the timeline he derives from, is an solidified owner of an Empire, still singularly the Turkish states with other nations under his order. The applicant wants to assure the moderating staff that they are fully aware that as an anthropomorphic character Turkey will indeed feel and experience the alterations of his character in becoming human under the boundaries of Ukiyo.
As a side note; the applicant also wanted to alert the moderating staff ahead of time that if the character is indeed accepted into the community there is an intense interest in Turkey eventually being able to seek employment within a shisha shop, which of course would be founded by the owners of whichever home he would be placed within. It is also noted that the applicant is aware that the character must be on good standing within the household, without faults and rebellion.

Thank you in advance.

Why can't I be selfish!

Are the words that he wants to shout when they leave the room, hands clenched, dark eyes burning into the back of their skulls as his posture radiates nothing but abhorrence at their departure. Mouths grinning like well-fed felines, he can do nothing but detest every single one of them as he strides to the door, folds of colorful fabric and elaborate needlework flowing with deliberate steps. Gloved hand reaching out, fingers wrapping tightly around the wooden surface, with all the pent up anger and frustration he focuses into the swing of his arm and revels in the sound it makes, the slam that echoes off arched hallways in which magnificent tapestries hang and he knows they have heard it. Childish perhaps but he cannot bring himself to display his anguish so openly to the likes of those selfish foxes turned up for the meal; his Empire on a platter, served up and separated into sections for the picking.

The golden age of his life, the work, the suffering, the blood and time he poured into building his throne above the rest of Europe, to strike nothing but fear into their hearts and to indeed be successful at it and what now? There he was, called the sick man of Europe only able to bow to the wishes of others with faster guns, quicker to the shot, quicker to kill.

For centuries he has been aware that his Empire was shrinking, moving away from the grandeur of what once stood before him, right under his fingertips branching out into the rest of the world with territories that rivaled and outstood those of Rome. Beyond that though, success. He had woven with his hands one of the most successful and long-lasting empires that the world could ever fathom and here he was now, being picked apart and separated; countries he had brought up from nothing torn away from him and this is the thanks he was receiving? Certainly finances were not as well as they once were but once he became a target of the jealous, pious, intolerant bastards of Europe instead of a feared conqueror, his troubles traveled south. He should have held tighter, he should have held firm, should have reformed in areas where he could have sworn reform was not needed. So many factors and time moved on so quickly and quietly when you had everything within the palm of your grasp.

Pressing his face against of the curved archway of the open window he stares past the folds of curtains he leans against. In a few short days the Ottoman Empire would be no more and he felt weak just thinking about it. Nothing but a memory left for text books, criminalized for the children of the world to read about, for films to form their plots around and men to cast jokes upon. The past, nothing but dust in the wind amongst modernization and it was that thought that brought a twitch to his lips, a smile to his previously severe expression.

Sure, he got it. He understood that all good things came to an end and for awhile now his empire had been crumbling beneath his feet leaving wounds within the depths of his body and surface of his skin, weakness in his breaths and steps but that certainly didn't mean he wanted them too. He may have been the one to alter his perspective, to escape a full domination by the allied powers of the world, yet even that couldn't save what he wished so desperately to cling to.

Why couldn't he be selfish? What was so wrong with that exactly?

The fabric parts, the first hint of a dusky pink nipple flashes before his dark eyes, and he feels the pleasurable twinge of arousal relax his body into the cushions where he lounges and waits, watching. Colorful tapestries draped on the walls and the softness of stacked pillows decorate the area around his still clothed frame, lounging. A smirk tugs at his lips and a pause of his own breath echoes the turn of her cheek, brilliant eyes focused upon his face as delicate hands smooth down between folds of cloth, over the softness of pale skin that slowly exposes itself from the layers of sheer cover, fingers delving over the flatness of her belly, tucking amongst soft curls of hair that rest further below.

This truly is beauty, the Turk remarks in silence as he feels his cheeks warm just by simply watching her in this illicit dance of disrobing, noting the way she shifts her body and how the heavy fabrics of her dress slip down from her slim shoulders, catching amongst bent elbows to fully expose peaked breasts, soft and round, which make his hands itch with desire. Yet he remains still and ever watchful, steady gaze taking in the enticing figure that stands just inches from his grasp. He knows better than to act without permission and he knows the reward for his patience is far greater. She knows too, knows how to tempt him.

An audible breath escapes his slightly parted lips as he watches her draw a single hand to her knee, then pull her fingers inward. Leg bent, dainty foot placed upon the low wooden table amongst ornate tea cups, fingers and palm slide upward and tuck bright, attractive layers of cloth higher, hiking up her skirts to the crook of thigh and hip, the lace of her petticoat exposed. Slowly, her fingers move past the folds of fabric and inward, her breathtaking eyes never leaving his face as he watches beneath the cover of his porcelain mask. Fingers sink in, smoothing past the warm heat between her legs, the sound that follows the action sinful, causing the pleasure that lingers within his gut to twist within his belly. More, he begs silently as he finds himself tensing with anticipation when she turns his gaze to face him completely with a smirk upon her moist, parted lips, heavy with wanton breath as her hand moves amongst slick flesh. Perfect, he thinks as his eyes never abandon her, leaning forward and allowing a chuckle to smooth past his lips.


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