Jan 07, 2007 14:58
Death is like blindness. You kind of get pushed away. Your life is taken from you. All the people you loved so much, you can't see anymore. You refuse to believe it, and you always ask, 'Why me?" Everything is dark, and you have to feel your way around, trying to make sense of what's up, what's down, and who's who. Sometimes, somewhere along the way you fall down and you need help getting back up. There's no way to see what's coming next, and even if you could, you're not sure you'd want to. Of course i've never been blind, so i wouldn't know. But that's how i feel sometimes. Like i'm stumbling blindly through a long and darkened hallway, hoping that once i get to the end there will be light. Maybe there will be, maybe there won't. Either way, its inevitable.
I was never on time...for anything. Not even my birth. I was way, way overdue. I heard that every time me and my mom fought, which was a lot. I guess that shows you just how punctual the rest of my life was. School, homework, work, didn't matter what, but somehow I had a way of being late for everything. Maybe that's why I'm dying. Nah, Kota would disagree. He would quote someone and then tell me that everything happens for a reason. Bullshit. Nothing has a reason. I should know, I lived eighteen years of not having a reason for anything, nothing at all.