bored at work

Sep 08, 2005 11:03


1. What’s your porn star name? (your first pets name, and your mothers maiden name) Spice Nelis

2. What’s your soap star name? (your middle name, and your street name) Brooke Waterbury

3. What’s your current screenname. Tell me the story of how it was chosen:'s my rapper
name with an x on either side because nadacleu was taken

4. In what year were you born? 1983

5. Were you a planned pregnancy? kind of...i was a backup baby in case my brother didn't pull through
cause he was really sick when he was basically I was plan B

6. How did you celebrate your last birthday? My best friend Nikki threw me a big gay party with lots of gay men,
a drag show, and lots of alcohol

7. How are you going to celebrate your next birthday? not sure yet but i Know i want to celebrate it
with Ambers b-day because we are only 4 days apart and this is our first year spending our b-days together

8. Who will you spend it with? my friends and gay men, drag queens and strippers

9. What kind of town/city/village do you live in? I live in an apartment complex

10. Is it a famous place that attracts plenty of tourism? it attracts mexicans lol

11. Any famous landmarks and etc? uh it's the midwest dude

12. Are your parents married or divorced? married

13. Who do you share your house with? a gay man and a straight girl

14. Are you considered as tall or rather short? i'm exactly average height for a woman

15. How many email addresses do you have? 3

Food and Cookery

16. When it comes to diet and eating, how healthy are you? i have currently been working on cutting out sugars

17. What is your favourite food? pizza

18. What do you eat when you’re bored? olives

19. Favourite junk food? steak n shake milk shakes

20. Happy food? tube steak

21. Favourite restaurant? steak n shake

22. Favourite take out? egg roll #1

23. Favourite sandwich fillings? tuna mmmm tuna

24. How well can you cook? I can't cook anything besides my brain

25. If you were to appear on the show ‘can’t cook, won’t cook’ which cook would you be (can’t or won’t): can't

26. What do you cook most often? something from a box or a can or pre packaged from my mother's house

27. Any specialties? well i do make a fabulous ramen noodle surprise

28. Do you cook for family or friends, boyfriends/girlfriends? only myself because i'm the only one that would
eat that shit

29. Favourite fruits? oranges, bananas, grapes

30. Favourite veggies? peas, potatoes, and corn

31. Do you eat meat or are you a vegetarian? i like meat usually, just picky about what kind

32. What foods make you want to vomit/can’t you stand? pickles

33. Favourite juices? pineapple juice, orange juice

34. Favourite fizzy stuff? pepsi

35. Favourite alcohol? beer, cheap and effective

36. Do you prefer tea or coffee, or don’t you drink them altogether? coffee definitely

37. Are you a fussy eater? yes i'm very picky because i don't like anything

38. Ketchup, barbeque sauce or mustard: ketchup

39. Are you a fan of microwave dinners? if it's a good kind, most of them suck ass

40. What do you eat for Christmas dinners? turkey and sides

41. Do you have cake on your birthdays (what kind)? usually at my parents house...whatever they pick out

42. Favourite chocolates? i'm a woman, i like all of em

43. Favourite ice cream flavors? mint chocolate chip

44. Do you like seafood? love it

45. Diet coke or regular: diet

Holidays/vacation and traveling (depending on your nationality)

46. What holiday is most memorable to you and why? new years because it is usually combined into a
2 day celebration with my birthday

47. Worst holiday? christmas...won't go into why i hate fucking christmas

48. Favourite holiday? halloween because I'm wiccan...nough said

49. Ever traveled out of the country - where? i've barely been out of indiana

50. Favourite cities to visit? Cocoa Beach, St. Louis

51. Go on day trips often - where? nope

52. Been with family and friends? mostly family vacations

53. Furthest you’ve traveled alone? haven't traveled alone, unless you count business trips, then it would be ST. Louis

54. Do you want to travel the world? it would be nice, but it would be a long shot

55. Where do you want to go? top on the list...Australia, Ireland, Canada, and Amsterdam

56. Where would you love to go on your honeymoon? Paris

57. Can you drive? on a good day

YOU - Social, hobbies, adventures

58. Favourite places to go: metro, Unicorn, Outer Limits, Peppers, the studio

59. Do you like museums and art galleries? yeah, but it's not something I would think of
doing by myself

60. Do you eat out regularly? I'm 22 and single of course

61. Where did you last eat out and who with? Sunshine Cafe with Amber

62. When you’re bored, do you prefer to listen to music, play on computers, or watch TV? I prefer
to make music

63. Can you play an instrument? yeah guitar, bass guitar, some piano, some percussion instruments

64. If not, were there many opportunities in school to play instruments?

65. Are you a bookworm? no but i wish i had more time to read

66. Are you outgoing? in certain situations, I can be really outgoing but I can also be really shy

67. Do you drink a lot of alcohol? compared to the average person...yeah

68. Do you like dancing? i love dancing, i just wish i was better at it

69. How often do you exercise? here lately not very often, but when I move and have access to a
full gym it will be frequently

70. What do you do on the internet - research, chat, etc? update my LJ, chat a little with friends
upload my music and download ringtones

71. Which friends do you love spending time with? I love spending time with all of my friends, but I
mostly hang out with Amber, Nikki, and Dana

72. What do you do together? Amber and I are scene queens for the straight bars, Nikki and I love the gay bars
and dana and I just like drinkin at home since she's not 21 yet

73. Do you like to take photos? I love it, I used to be really into photography and it's something
I would love to get back into if I had the right equipment

74. How would you describe yourself as a person? sensitive, passionate, generous, creative, humorous, laid back
sad and happy, and able to handle about anything

75. Can you be stereotyped? I think that everyone can be stereotyped...especially me...most people
hear I'm a rapper and assume that i'm some wigger who just thinks she can rap...then they hear
my shit and give me props

76. Do you hang around with groups of people who dress the same as you? No, I tend to have my own
style when it comes to clothing and besides that i hang out with so many different groups
of people that none of us match

77. What kind of people wouldn’t you waste your time getting to know? close minded prejudice assholes
and pill heads

78. Do you often have deep, intense, intellectual conversations? yeah I talk a lot about my emotions
and my inner conflicts with close friends, and when in groups of friends I tend to talk about weird shit

79. Have you inherited your intelligence from your parents? I have my dad's booksmarts and my mom's
instincts and common sense, I have a good mixture from both parents

80. Do you know what your IQ is? not a clue (nadacleu lol)

81. Are you academically smart or just smart? as i said before it think i have a good mix between
book smarts and street smarts

82. How often do you meet pig ignorance? i see it everyday, especially since I hang out with so
many diverse people. So many people are quick to judge and it makes me fucking sick

83. How do you dress? when i'm hanging out at home you best believe t shirts and jeans, at work
I wear scrubs, and when i go out I dress nice. I wear a lot of button up cute shirts with
nice fashionable jeans and jackets sometimes

84. What kind of shoes do you wear? tennis shoes and dress boots

85. What kind of jewellery do you wear? all silver or white gold, i hate yellow gold. Right now I
wear three silver rings and one 10k white gold ring with a star sapphire and diamonds, silver watch
either silver 12 gauge ear rings or 10 gauge neon green plugs, and a platinum overlayed rope
chain with platinum overlayed Ankh

86. What kind of hair do you have? well right now it looks kind of busted, but I'm thinking about
getting it cut into layers again

87. What’s your eye colour? green

88. Are there people out there you are keen to avoid? pill heads

Love and relationships

89. Are you bi, straight or gay? hmmm ask me in person ;)

90. Do you have a significant other? no

91. What is their name? ~

92. How old are they? ~

93. What attracted you to them first? ~

94. Are you in love with them? ~

95. Where do they live? ~

96. What do they do for a living? ~

97. Their personality features:~

98. Do they make you go weak at the knees - why?~

99. What do they look like? (Include a picture):~

100. Have you ever had sex? no

101. Have you ever had oral sex? of course, everyone know's i'm a virgin slut

102. If yes to the two above, when was the last time? last time I gave oral sex was in the back
of the unicorn for a stripper named Priest with a prince albert....god damn it was so hot

103. Your most recent kiss? a black deaf guy named Armani that I met and danced with at the Vogue
(i sure can pick em out)

104. Are you romantic? I'm very romantic but don't get to express it very often cause i'm always single

105. Do you hold hands in public? when i have someone to hold hands with...or a gay guy

106. Are you affectionate in public as well as private? yeah, but i like to downplay it around other
people cause i don't like making others uncomfortable

107. What turns you on? someone that smells good, good sense of humor, nice smile, nice eyes, piercings and tattoos
someone that is intelligent

108. Most memorable moment with your bf/gf? ~

109. Most romantic moment? When jared put 100 post it notes in my locker that had 100 reasons why
he wanted me to be his valentine


110. What is your long term plan (job etc)? well i really dream of being a famous rapper, but since
any entertainment career is a long shot....I'm not really sure. I'm doing the dental thing now
but I definitely know I don't want to do this forever. I just want to work somewhere I like and can
make decent money

111. Do you intend on marrying? hopefully, but I don't know if i'll ever meet someone I'm compatible with

112. If so - to who? like i have a fucking clue

113. When would you prefer to marry? i always dreamed I'd be married by 25, but i'm almost 23 and still
haven't even had a really serious relationship so I think my plans are gonna be pushed back

114. Do you want children? hell fucking no

115. How many? ZERO

116. What will you name them? if I ever accidentally got knocked up (assuming my female anatomy still
works properly) I've always liked the name Dexter Brian for a boy, never really thought of a girl
name though

117. What kind of house would you want to live in? something older (i don't like new houses) that is
warm, cozy, and welcoming, between 2-3 bedrooms

118. What pets do you want? pit bull, rat terrier, great dane, and a cat


119. What were you afraid of then you were little? talking to people, i was very shy

120. Did you believe in fairies, goblins, ghosts and monsters? i briefly was afraid of the
boogey man

121. Do you wear nail polish? only on my toes, i never paint my nails anymore

122. What calendar do you have this year? it's a pit bull calendar

123. Do you have a downstairs bathroom? no, just single story living for me

124. Worst names you can possibly think of? Ingrid, Bertha, Constantine, Ulrich

125. Strawberry or raspberry jam? strawberry

126. Explain your house arrangement: me, craig, and dana, 2 cats, 2 rats, one fish, and lots of
cluttered shit

127. Ever ridden a horse? yes i love horseback riding

128. Do you have any pets? a cat and 2 rats and one fish

129. Do you get along well with them? i love my animals

130. Who can you trust? this is a tough one for me, i have severe trust issues and honestly I
haven't trusted anyone in many years

131. Who can’t you trust? anyone

132. Favourite swearwords? shit, fuck, god dammit

133. What are you wearing now? work scrubs
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