Jul 21, 2005 00:07
ok so me and jeremy finaly adoped our baby! we went up to lolypop east and found HER!
it was funny cuz he kept saying were gunna get a boy! and i was like im happy with any thing as long as i name it frizbe. LOL
but suprizingly we got a Girl he fell in love with her and she loves him! and shes so eligant lol we named her Taunny shes small too!she was im my lap but she knows im typing bout her shes crawlin all around in my lap
even better shes potty trained , how ever she had an accedent when we went out to visit nan,aunt joy, and quiz! she was like wheres my litter i cant hold it!
quiz keep tryiung to do her. she didnt like it much.
shes tuckered out big day
jeremys a great dad LOL