So last weekend I went to William and Mary to play some shows with String Theory, and it was awesome! I don't think there was one day where I wasn't either in a show or seeing one. It was mainly local bands, but they were all awesome.
Thursday we played a show called Homebrew, it was okay considering that I drove down wednesday night and only had that day to pratice.
Friday we saw a guy named Justin King, if you don't know him, he's an amazing guitarist, CHECK IT OUT: except the stuff he played live was like 10 times better. The craziest part of the weekend was firday night when we were practicing, and Justin King just randomly walked into the room we were in and listen to us and gave us critices. He said we had a lot of potential. So that made my weekend.
On Saturday we went to a thing called Homebrewaroo, which was pritty much like a hippie jam fest, they had bands like The Rockin' Gypsies and Highest Tallest, very groovy stuff. There was a seimi-famous band called Thoa Ngyen and the Get Down Stay Down; they tour the east coast and stuff. They reminded me of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's I got their CD, but them live is better.
Sunday we opened for a band called Steve, yest thats right, the whole band was called Steve. They were Funk/Blues. It was cool.
Last weekend was fuckin Sweet, and a much needed vacation from school/work.