[It's doubtful anyone in the Keep has seen a turian before. If not, here's your chance. The one in question is sitting on his bed... cot... thing, staring down at the journal in his hands. He looks a lot less exhausted -- since he just slept for days, but no less banged around
Read more... )
[That is you, right, Mister Turian? She recognizes the voice.]
Just the person I needed to see. I've got something for you.
[Oh good -- he was hoping she'd hear.]
Sounds good... I think. Where at?
[She gives him direct instructions from there. After all, her floor does share the kitchen, the pantry, and the cool room.]
[Sycora moves from her desk into the main section of the infirmary to wait for Garrus. With any luck, he wouldn't get lost.]
So he limps a little, but nothing too bothersome.]
[She notes that limp, Garrus, but she doesn't comment on it. Sycora stands up from where she leaned against the wall, drawing up to her full height of five-foot-two. Her hair, as usual, is pulled into a bun. Though her appearance is neat, she looks tired.
The infirmary is very... medium-sized. Torches keep the room well-lit and cots line one wall. On the other wall, there's a large cabinet. One door, firmly closed, can be seen from the entrance point.]
Right to business, then.
[Sycora holds up a small wooden box. It's closed, but should Garrus open it, he'll find it full of small square wafers. They're mottled black and brown, rather like marbled bread.]
This is a medicine that'll allow your body to metabolize the food we have in-keep. Take one daily, and you should have no trouble.
Guess I should probably say it's nice meeting you.
[Then his attention is distracted. He accepts it, wordlessly, peering inside. His mandibles flick.]
I've never heard of anything like this. Where did it come from?
A pleasure.
[The mandibles are... interesting. Sycora watches with curiosity, but then looks into his eyes.]
The medicine was made here in the keep. I doubt you'd find anything like it back on your world.
Made here...? With what?
[Since he doesn't see anything he's used to seeing, in terms of medical equipment.]
[She grins.]
Kidding. Can't tell you the trade secrets, though.
So how am I supposed to know this will work?
And, if not, you'll probably hear from the commander.
The commander a Turian too? Does he need medicine?
Er. No. She's human, actually. As far as I know, she's not injured.
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