[multi-chap]koofuku na seekatsu : chapter 2 & [one-shot]Tegami

May 24, 2011 19:53

Title : koofuku na seekatsu (A Happy Life)
Author : imayuki aka Kashima Miki
Characters : Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Ueda Tatsuya, Nakamaru Yuichi, Nishikido Ryo, Yuya Tegoshi
Pairings : MaruDa, RyoDa-enemy?
Disclaimer : *Look under her bed* nope they not here, only a plain of my paper. I own the plot and storyline that come from my pervert imagination.
Genre : slash, romance, fail smut
Length : multi-chap *my 1st multi-chap, so you all can be gentle ne ^^;*
Warning : Grammatical error- because english is not my main language. Weird storyline, boy-boy relationship. Un-beta-ed
Summary : Maru realize that Ueda like him more than just a friend, but when he want to search for the answer, Ueda always denied it. can they live happily ever after? Ah what a suck summary, I always bad at make summary... *write something on the sand by using her finger*

Chapter 2

previous : Chapter 1

Title : Tegami
Author : imayuki aka Miki
Characters : Flower boy, Johnny Kitazawa, Kamenashi Kazuya, Taguchi Junnosuke, Tanaka Koki, Ueda Tatsuya, Nakamaru Yuichi
Pairing : Maruda
Genre : slash, romance
Length : one-shot
Word count : 618 words
Disclaimer : I own the letter but not all the boy…XD
Warning : Un-beta-ed, grammar error, TOO SHORT!
Summary : Because it’s already short, I won’t make an summary. But hope that it would not stop all of you from not read this fanfic. ^^;
A/N : Here a one-shot fic from me, sorry for the long time that I had to take to update my multi-chapter fic, my PC was broken down. And I really don’t know when I can online and update it *sigh*. So please wait patiently until the new update from me ne? *sending all my love*

( I can promise that there will be no more pain… )

x-post to : ueda_maru , kattun_fanfics 

pairing: maruda

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