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The materialism controversy.
Vogt, a brilliant polemicist who was the leading spokesman for the materialists, presented his generation with a drastic dilemma: either a leap of faith in God, providence and immortality or a complete scientific materialism. All philosophy after 1852, which marks the beginning of the controversy, was a response to Vogt's dilemma.
http://drevniy-daos.livejournal.com/58395.htmlhttp://www.i-u.ru/biblio/archive/sotov_modzapphil/02.aspx (Зотов)
Карл Фохт (1817-1895)
Якоб Молешотт (1822-1893)
Людвиг Бюхнер (1824-1899)
Эрнст Геккель (1834-1919)
Бюхнер, "Сила и материя", 1855