Nov 26, 2008 21:13
I love the idea that here in Kansas we are at the beginning of a bright fresh new story, and we can make our own family and memories.
I have the awesome blessing of Mark's mother, who I talk to just like she were one of my girlfriends, only she knows Mark better than anybody. She's so wonderful, When I think about getting to the point in my life when we start having kids, all I can think about is how excited she will be when we get to tell her about the first bun in the oven.
Seriously, we will have to tape it, because she is already SO EXCITED for grandkids.
They already have toys.
In fact, they had these toys before Mark and I were even married.
Random: My house smells like PUMPKIN PIE! I used my Uncle Dale's famous family recipe, and I hope it turns out even half as good as his! MMMMM... punkins.....
This will be the second Thanksgiving Mark and I have had as a married couple, which is just crazy to wrap my head around! Time flies when you are having so much fun! **QUEUE MUSH** I love him more and more all of the time, as we grow together and as I see him continue to stretch himself and emerge from his trials a stronger, more compassionate, more amazing person. We make each other laugh even over the smallest things, I love coming home to our own little world and pouncing him. With my amazing stealth.
Also, he gets my goofy, dry, retarded sense of humor! Yay!
I was going to type more, but I need to get my turkey in the turkey brine. :)