Oct 03, 2008 13:19
I had a weird dream last night. Not a big deal actually, I have what some might call an *interesting* and others might call a *scarey* subconscious. I tend to think of it more in terms of a *geeky* subconscious, but an active one prone to self-expression on a regular basis.
In other words, I have a lot of weird dreams on a regular basis.
Last night the theme was LOTR, yeah, geeky was the flavor de jour… Specifically, I dreamed I was Grima Wormtongue, or more like an unwilling passenger riding sideseat and observing through his eyes. Now that is weird. And what a twisted little freak his character was, like a generic version of that other little freak, Smegal / Golum. BTW, Smegal would be a GREAT name for a cat…but back to the story.
In my dream, Grima was a busy little guy, plotting, intriguing, compiling the dirty little secrets of everyone around him and twisting them to his own purposes. Sadly, apparently he was also an intellectual and man of long noble lineage born into a He-Man Warrior culture but hobbled with a distinct lack of athletic ability, physical size or excessive bravery. In other words, a politician. So, he tried being a priest but that’s a family dominated business and much too subjective to bloodlines for a newcomer to excel in. Leaving only lawspeaking as an occupation….And we all know how loved lawyers are in any society.
Plus, small guys in that culture never get laid. Heck, they never get looked at and are totally invisible. Disregarded and laughed at, used as an example of ill-luck publically, usually in connection with the peel of feminine laughter, originally derisive in nature that morphed over time into ALL feminine laughter…Curdling his hopes into envy, steeping his soul in bitterness and disappointment. Finally, that toxic mess leaking out of him in the form of treachery, manipulation and power at any costs.
Yeah, geeky dreams indeed. But I felt sorry for his character too. How many of us can say we have never had a time in our lives where we felt totally marginalized and excluded as a person? Then expand that time into an entire life, starting at puberty and place in in an extremely macho setting.
So, I imagined the LOTR trilogy from the eyes of Grima Wormtongue. Gotta wonder if there has ever been any fanfic written from that particular perspective?
Just some musings from my Inner Barbarian.