WMD? Business as Usual? What was the reason again?

Jul 25, 2008 09:21


Typical. Greedy psyhopaths at the top letting greed create more and more problems. WMD should stand for Weapons of Mental Dilusion and be applied to politicians and CEOs...; )

Enough sarcastic humor though, I think that Iraq owes the United States 3.6 trillion in oil, at market rates of course. They can spread payments over the next 25 years and we can sell it to China and India to replace the funds hat Congress has consistantly stolen from SSI for the last 40 years.

It was SSI money we wasted paying for the Iraq....war(?). It could be returned to the coffers for the retiring babyboomers who have paid into it over the past 50 years, even as Congress systematically looted it.

And since Congress obviously is incapable of budgeting or restraining its spendthrift ways, we need to seperate SSI from the General Fund. Make it non-transferrable. Make it a dedicated fund by law. A constitutional amendment ratified by popular vote. Did that many, many times in the past.

Don't our parents and ourselves deserve that? If we have to pay for this fund AGAIN, it come out of our pockets and insurs that we can not help our kids through college and our parents through retirement and increasing care as they age. Very stiff penalties for the irresponsibility and COWARDICE of our national legislative body.

When Bear Sterns and Countrywide mortgage suffered similar fraud, those who perpetuated them got prison sentences and judgement liens against their holdings to compensate their victims.

Members of Congress perpetuated the same kind of fraud with SSI.

They deserve prison sentences and asset liens too.

Maybe they can earmark money for their personal legal counsel on the back of a children in poverty food appropriations bill. Thats their usual MO.
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