Aug 19, 2004 19:40
hey sorry i havent updated... ive been with nicole suckonmyveeny!! LoL... but anyways.. miss ya katie.. and i hoipe u can dcome to the funeral .. Last night nicole suckonmyveeny slept over.. lol ilove that !!! but we didnt go to sleep all night i htouight she woudve went ot bed but she didnt until like 7:30.. but we mad emy mom breakfast and we cleaned to make us not fall asleep because wqe wrre really tired.. and we worked sooo damn hard.. and she was going for a heart test or some shit..and she couldnt eat anyhting (god damn) this is why i never do that kinda shit (unles i want somehtin)..buit i didnt go to sleep until nicole left was like 8:15 becaus she had to go to cheerleading and i was really really tired so i went to sleep and didnt wake up until 5:30 in the night... and ten we went to WALLY ... Lol xoxox ...xoxox.... .XoXo love everyone... PoP tHIs KeG sTaND